Dec 23, 2004 00:13
My body is exhausted. Yeah, i didn't get much sleep the last two nights but i shouldnt be this exhausted. My side pains were gone for about a week and a half, which believe me is amazing. However tonight i got the worst twinges that brought me to tears. Very short in duration, but very intense. I'm tired of this body of mine. I seem to be falling apart. I'm tired of urinating blood. I'm tired of the docters saying "i dont know....let's see what happens" just because my condition isn't as intresting as it could be and there is nothing to be gained from them figuring out what's wrong. Looks like it's up to me to find out what's wrong and fix it. Which is fine, as soon as i get the strength. It goes along with my whole "on my own" theme i seem to be going through. Time for a change.
I'm over waiting for people to act in ways i would hope. I'm not going to wait around for my chance to be given. I'm moving on people. Where will you be when you figure it out?