better late then never..... right?

Jun 09, 2009 00:24

Shows how slow I am to update anything. This was from Dragoncon 07!

I ment to post a big entry with all the sketches and photos of everyone all at once...but life got in the way. I'll slowly post them now years later. I fail.

Why we did it!
After a conversation with Riki, Chris, and Tom about doing a batman group (while standing in a line at six flags), it somehow lead to everything being circa' 1940. So I doodled up some really bad concepts for Quinn, Cat woman, and Ivy. I really didn't think anyone would want to do costumes like these. I based the colors off of the batman animated series, because being an animation geek it's near and dear to my heart!

We asked Lindze if she would want to dress up with us, and she started telling people the idea, and..well turns out a bunch of girls really like the idea too, so I drew up more outfits. Everyone made/ put-together their own costumes and added their own little touches to the designs. I had a bit of help with mine as I waited until the last moment as usual. Chris had the great idea for the gun base and backpack hookup! Tom helped me with all the last moment cutting and putting together.

It was an awesome group, everyone totally rocked the costumes! I was so proud of how it all came together!

Who are these people?
from left to right:

Poison Ivy: Dia - At first I was going to do the Ivy costume, but when Lindze said Dia was interested in doing that one I knew she would do a much better job then I would. She totally made the dress from scratch, and all the little details on it really made it the most polished costume of the group. It's a shame the poor lighting made it really hard for the camera to capture the details in the dress. Other then the craftmanship, Dia just made a great Ivy! She had the look locked up!!!

Batgirl : Diana - The only good guy in our group. I wanted to still let her have a cape, but I wanted it to not just be a random cape. So I found images of old nurse uniforms that had short capes. I figured good guys help people so does a nurse. Sound logic!

Two-face: Allison - Allison can rock a pant suit! She looked so hot and creepy! She made the top and pants, but it looks like it could be something you buy in a store...well if they sold half black and half white pant suits. I think Lindze did do, or helped do her makeup, and again the cameras eat the details a bit, the scars on the side of her face looked real in person. Allison even had the coin!!!

Riddler: Emma - She was so shockingly cute in this outfit. The hair color, the outfit, everything just fit so well! I think Emma made most of this out of parts found in thrift stores and altered them to fit. She looks a little weir din the group photo, but this shot of her alone was my fave shot of the night!

Mrs. Freeze: me! - So this is my fave batman badguy! At the last moment I decided on doing this costume. I wanted to make the freeze suit look functional, but still have that "female style" to it. I came up with several ideas of making an actual pant suit, to not having any armor, and just making the dress looked build up and suit like. In the end I think I fit into the group the least. I also the hairstyle makes me look like a little old lady in most photos. I was happy with how the helmet and gun lit up. My little dome had a fan in the back too to keep me cool and to make sure I didn't run out of air. Sadly it made it hard to talk to anyone. I could only hear people behind me when they would talk, and I had to yell to be heard.

Batman : unknown con-goer. No idea who this was but he was very happy about our group and wanted a photo with us. He seemed like a very nice guy. I couldn't really hear anything...

Catwoman: Lindze - First off. Catwoman in the animated series has blonde hair! Everyone seemed to be all confused about this.

I thought Lindze made a great catwoman, I designed hers so that she could reuse her lust dress, and it came together great. She even made her hat from scratch and worked little cat ears into a vintage style hat. Even with all the hats she makes I was still impressed with how well this one came out!

Harley Quinn: Riki (Riddle)- Riki was soo cute! She made a great Quinn, and paired with Twinkle really well! She really stuck to the drawing I did, and I was so happy with how her outfit came out! Riki and Chris helped me with my costume a good bit too. They also took the time to feed little straws into my dome so I could drink water. So nice!

What a pair!!!

Joker: Twinkle - Ok so the gun was totally Twinkle's touch and I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! It made the costume. She took this costume to the next level with little details like the chain, and even painting her eyebrows green!

Penguin: Caissa (hope I spelled that right?) - So this may have been her first "cosplay" costume. I really had no idea it would come out like this. You see my first costume looked like something someone had thrown up. This costume looked like it was put together by a pro. I love that she her monocle up in all her photos. She also had an umbrella, tho it's missing in this group photo.

I'm going to make a point to post shots of each person in costume. It may just take me a bit because 9 times out of ten I'll have a good shot of one person, and the other three people in the shot are blinking or talking, or looking all weird. I might also post the sad little drawing I did for these.

All and all I feel lucky that a bunch of talented people wanted to dress up with me. I really like doing group projects like this! And you know I men it because it's been two years and I'm still feel the same way!!!

So thanks again to everyone who dress up with me. And sorry I've been so slow to post anything. I fail at the interwebs.

Photos by Tom Weiser
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