★ 『three』

Mar 31, 2009 00:46

See conditions below:
  • If you're a tool, you're automatically disqualified.
  • Do not have any intention of consuming me. (i.e: appendages, organs, blood, or sexual energy.)
  • If you have crazy powers, don't blow up the apartment.
  • No psychopath, demons, zombies, mass murderers, or evil villains.
  • Pay your part of the rent on time.

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itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 05:07:24 UTC
Now that's just discriminatory.


idkmybffsatan March 31 2009, 05:08:17 UTC
I'm basing this off personal experience here.

Don't tell me you're hurt.


itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 05:09:13 UTC
I'm wounded to the core. Don't you think?

I already have a roommate, anyway.


idkmybffsatan March 31 2009, 05:13:07 UTC
I can see your heart bleeding from across the screen.

Mr. Phale...?


itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 05:16:00 UTC
My heart and no one else's.

Yes, but not that way. Everyone always assumes it's that way and it isn't.

[ooc: And ;_; I have to sleep now. That two hours of sleep from last night's rush job paper has just beaned me over the head with a two by four. Will pick up pings tomorrow.]


idkmybffsatan March 31 2009, 05:19:04 UTC
Must spend a lot of quality time with your hand.

...And I wasn't even thinking of that, Crowley. A little defensive there, aren't you?

[ooc: No worries. <33 By the way, do you want to do something with Crowley and Sam for the next Grab Bag curse? :3]


itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 15:09:49 UTC
Why do people always think angels and demons are obsessed with sex? That came after us, you know.

[ooc: I would love to do something. Did you have anything in mind? *hasn't read the grab bag list in ages*]


idkmybffsatan March 31 2009, 21:11:40 UTC
Even eternity gets dull?

[ooc: Nothing in particular~ I'm up for anything. :D ]


itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 21:13:11 UTC
That's what naps, wine, and random chaos are for.

[ooc: He's getting a new body in a couple of days. He's going to be extremely unhappy about its coming equipped with outdoor plumbing. I'm sure there's a curse we can work with on that if you'd like.]


idkmybffsatan March 31 2009, 21:32:41 UTC
I can do that all on a lazy Sunday and still feel fucking bored by the end of the day.

You must be a pretty dull person.

[ooc: Outdoor plu- Ah. Let me glance at the GB curse list and throw out a few ideas~ ]


itsjustafruit March 31 2009, 21:36:38 UTC
Try olympic calibre sleeping. I once missed an entire century.

And you don't think I'm dull.

[ooc: I've always played him as not having that anatomy unless he specifically tries, which he doesn't because he's not sex mad and it ruins his tailoring. Now I'm off to French class.]


idkmybffsatan April 1 2009, 01:13:14 UTC
Where do you sleep for a century? A Crypt? Under the ground?

You can't say that.

[ooc: Tonight's Reaper makes me want a Tony in POLY so badly. ;3; So he can join their lunchtable.]


itsjustafruit April 1 2009, 02:01:02 UTC
I had an out of the way place for it.

I can too. "A good drinking buddy" isn't dull.


idkmybffsatan April 1 2009, 02:08:13 UTC
I don't have to worry about carrying a completely wasted body home when I drink with you.


itsjustafruit April 1 2009, 02:09:03 UTC
That's because I can sober up at will.


idkmybffsatan April 1 2009, 02:11:38 UTC
Fancy, fancy.

[ooc: After looking at the GB curse list, here are a few ideas: Handcuff Day, Power Switch Day, Family Day. The first two are pretty telling and the last- Would Crowley want a son or a brother? >_> ]


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