2nd Protocol [Action; backdated to the 25th]

Nov 27, 2010 00:29

[Let's review:

The dressed weight of a typical Butterball turkey is around sixteen pounds (this one happens to be closer to fourteen, if you were counting).

Ravens, even the larger hellish variety, just push five pounds. Maybe. If you held down the scale a bit.

Hence why a vicious not-really-dead turkey attack was a little troublesome, at least as far as Utsuho was concerned. Even though it had no spurs, no clawed feet and no head, it still had the aforementioned fourteen pounds of mass that it was intent on flinging at the raven and squashing her flat with. Or flailing its naked wings at her ineffectually. Or stumping around with severed legs.

The wrestling match that has spilled over into the hallway could barely even be called such; more like Okuu squawking and grappling with this much larger thing as much as her beak and claws and lack of opposable thumbs will allow.

Which, as you can imagine, isn't very much.

But the turkey is missing a wing!

Okuu's missing a few feathers, though. And her thoughts are less coherent words than a mass of angry violence.]

silly bird, !event, undead turkeys how do they work, take this outside guys--oh wait

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