Apr 12, 2011 12:46
[Pretty much a standard day in Mayfield; people (mostly drones) getting up, going to work, going to school, crossing in front of one particular house to get there--
--where something feathery and black and all of four pounds in mass blusters out of a tree or the roof or anywhere within the confines of the yard, barking furiously. Yes, barking. Satori's house is full of dogs and Okuu is at least moderately good at mimicry. It seems more intimidating than cawing, anyway, and Okuu is at least smart enough to understand that. Kids these days.
It sends hapless drone children squalling away shrieking "Bad dog! Bad!", but she never goes far; at most perching on the fence all puffed out and looking quite proud of herself.
...until someone else breaches this security perimeter (the front yard).
Yes, this includes the sidewalk in front of 1248 Williams Road. Utsuho is a territorial creature and you are totally trespassing in her completely unbiased and intelligent opinion.]
spoiler: still not a dog,
what no she is the alpha,
get off my lawn,
so territorial okuu