Oct 07, 2005 00:12
Idipsum means Being itself. It was a term used by St Augustine upon his spiritual revelation when he understood the language of God; which is Silence. No one really paid attention to silence, and it is understandable that no one really know that Silence is pretty much alive and communicates.
Why do I say so? For the simple reason that I have come to understand this Silence intimately. Before the first atom is created in space, the big bang so to speak, there is only this Silence, this Space. All life & consciousness, are created from this Silence/Space/Nothingness. It is the source of life as well as the repository of death. In other words, there is a movement from this Silence/Space that enabled the creation of form and matter. It is this Silence, that illuminates our consciousness, the witness to our life story, so to speak. In a nutshell, humans suffer because they do not understand that this Silence is our true self, and not the contents that this Silence witnessed. Unlike everything that ever existed (including thoughts), it is only this Silence/Space/Nothingness that do not have a begining nor an end. Thus, it is the Alpha and Omega that is commonly known as God. From the womb of this Nothingness that we call God, that everything is created. Therefore, Infinity and Eternity are the two manifestation of God.
We defined ourselves through the events we remembered, the feelings we felt, the ideas and morals that we value. As a result, we constantly seek new experiences/contents to expand our sense of self, to elaborate on our life story. Fundamentally, men has forgotten that we are the witness to these events, feelings and thoughts, we are not them. As a result, we define ourselves through our "life stories". We totally forgotten that we are this witness, this Beingness. What's wrong with defining the Self through "life stories"? It is the source of all human psychological and to a great extent, physical sufferings. How so?
When we are born, we have no memories of our infancy because we are born as a pure witness, a beingness without content. Memories, are essentially our life story. A newborn infant, do not suffer psychologically like adult does, because there is no "self" to suffer. What happened then? I refer to the biblical parable of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve, took the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil and thus committed the original sin. Good and Evil not in the moral sense, but in a generic sense that we divide the world into what's good for us and what's bad for us, which is the essential function of knowledge; to avoid what's bad and to chase after whats good. When this matrix of knowledge becomes so complex, a sense of self, or the mind arises.
However, you may feel that we need the mind to navigate in this physical world. True, mind itself is a beautiful tool, but when it tries to be the Real YOU, it turns malignant. I will try to talk more about how the mind turns malignant and how humans can be free from this terrible illsuon in my next few posts, to anyone who may be keen to know.