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Nov 20, 2009 03:01

NAME: Ari the second (third?)
AGE: 19
EMAIL ADDRESS: shingumi@gmail
AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: shingumisaturn / nachtstar
OTHER CHARACTERS: Mio Akiyama, Molly Carpenter, Euphie

NAME: Kaito Aoine
AGE: 20
ROLE: Teacher. He'll be teaching vocal / chorus class.

One of the older members of Vocaloid, Kaito had been already performing for a while before Miku and the others were scouted. Most of his background before that however is mostly in the dark, even from the other members. All he reveals at all to anyone is that he had been adopted into a big family and as of now, he's the only living member of the siblings. However he sees Vocaloid as his second adopted family with all his cute little siblings and some uncute older ones.
Before Miku, he mostly stuck to pop ballads, since the company wanted him to adapt to a more innocent image. However, their plan fell short and he barely managed to gain any fame before getting forgotten within time. After Miku arrived and he was asked to join Vocaloid, Kaito was given more freedom to sing things more to his taste. However that ranged from anywhere between the rather cute to the more creepy horror. Which in turn made sales for his older music rise, causing him slight panic and slight embarrassment that it was becoming extremely popular after all this time.
He enjoyed his time with the group, playing older brother to the members, flirting with them on and off and getting facesmashed into the floor for attempting it. With the riot at the concert and the following hiatus, he had no idea what to do with himself. And since he didn't want to sing alone - thanks to realizing how much more fun it was with others, he pulled some strings and went to go finish his side project. That being, a teaching certificate. Sure enough, before long he had the proper credentials to teach and thus began making plans to be closer to his cute siblings (so he can keep them out of trouble a eye on them).
PERSONALITY: Kaito at first, second and third glance looks and acts like a natural idiot. He'll say things that'll make someone just want to headsmash or just do things with a grace of a ditz, and cause more trouble than it's worth. Under that however, is a loving big brother. He loves his not!siblings dearly, always watching out for them even if they end up beating him up for saying something so utterly stupid at the wrong time. Not to mention when he tries to flirt with any of them. Underneath that is parts of his true personality, that he tightly keeps under wraps and lets out extremely rarely and thanks mainly in his more horror-genre songs. That, being how much of a jealous person he is. He wants the one that is loved the most, praised the most, so on and so forth, and god help you if you get in his way. And if you irk'd him enough he just may dispose of you. And lastly, like with most characters with his type of personality, he's much sharper than he acts. An A+ student back in his day, you might add. But, since that's part of the past he keeps under wraps he feels it's just safer to keep the idiot part up all the time.
APPEARANCE: Kaito for the most part looks like your average young adult, standing at rather average height of 6'. He has blue eyes and hair and wears a extremely long light blue scarf all the time. Even naked. However! When he is wearing clothes, it's usually his usual white and blue form fitting knee length duster jacket and brown pants. When not wearing the duster jacket/pants combo, you'll usually find him in varying shades of blue and white. He's almost like a power ranger in that sense.
He can twist his words into a real-time solid illusion and sometimes real items like pencils, books, and the occasional boxer shorts. However to get certain real items to appear, he has to be extremely specific which causes him to stand there attempting to summarize something like a certain type of guitar or something. It also doesn't work while he sings for some odd reason and he usually just uses it to make ice cream appear from nowhere although, the flavor changes every time and he never seems to get plain ol' vanilla. But that's mainly due to his control over it being slightly iffy, since his learning were never finished and the rest was learned through trial and error.

Kaito might be a bit young to be a teacher but that may be able to be furiously handwaved do to Kaito being able to pull strings, having the money to hire super special awesome tutors, and cramming everything he needed to learn in a few short weeks months. Not to mention he had been studying this stuff beforehand.

First-person sample:
Ah... It seems like a cold has caused my power to go haywire and I'd rather not attempt it again for the sake of my health.

...Would someone mind getting me some H*agan Da*z ice cream? Most preferably one in cherry vanilla, mint chocolate chip and cookie dough? Or even make me a sundae with all three and sprinkles, crunchy peanut, fudge and a cherry on top?
I promise to share? Maybe
Third-person sample:
Kaito hummed a tune under his breath, wandering down the long hall. With the house so large and empty without the younger ones around, he had turned to music to fill it back up again. Almost absently he paused his singing and murmured the familiar words to summon his ice cream and caught the small container before it fell and splattered all over the floor. Entering the living room, he flopped onto a couch, before taking a bite out of his newly created ice cream. Hazelnut flavor. Not too bad after last nights anchovy one.
He smiled into his spoon, before almost sighing slightly. He had gotten used to the noise that came with the group antics, and now with the hiatus, with everyone either gone or doing something else he was a bit lonely. Glancing over at the package of forms and such on the coffee table, he stared at them for a while, debating on it. It was sort've a now or never choice. Sure, he had a ways more to learn, but he missed the others. Setting down his ice cream, he picked up the packet and began reading over the final few steps needed to send him to a certain mutant school in New York.
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