IC songs for xi

Nov 10, 2009 01:13

all of the songs listed you can assume Kaito has sung one way or another officially or as a cover song song for x unless otherwise noted
*All videos have subs on them unless i couldn't find any

stuff he's based off of
Stuff he's sang

Reply to Miku
Shima Uta
Aku no: Prince of Blue
Yami no Ou
Ice (Spice Parody)
world is Mine -Oji version-
The Girl of Byakkoya [Paprika OP]
The Orge and the Maiden
How come my sales grew
Time Forgotten One
Naked Meltdown *slight M-rated warning
Kaito ga Uninstall
My Master
I wish they'd just die
[The dirty and unmanly force] Urotander
Hitomi wo Tojite
Story about a poor rabbit

Paired/Group Stuff
The Pair Tree-Wither-er [with Meiko]
Crazy Clown [with Miku]

My boyfriend has a velcro wallet [with Miku]
Magnet [with Meiko, Luka and Gakupo]
Dark Woods Circus
[with Miku, Rin, and Len]
Alice Human Sacrifice [with Miku, Meiko, Rin, and Len]
Imitation Black [with Len and Gakupo]
Dancing Samurai [Gakupo and Len]
From the sandplay singing of the dragon [with Miku/Len and Gakupo]


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