Last bit of Les-mis-ness, I promise. But JASON SEGAL! You deserve a spanking.
Firstly, thanks to
sdsinger I am now suffering from shock and betrayal that
Jason Segal sang the confrontation scene with another man, a.k.a. Paul Rudd. Now, I love Paul Rudd, I love the confrontation scene, but NPH totally pwns it, right???
Secondly, while watching the show, I was also reminded of another fantasy of mine - that NPH had not starred in Clara's heart but had actually become Gavroche. Because, of course, the original little boy cast in Clara's DID go on to be Gavroche, which NPH watched and that's what got him into Les Mis in the first place. Can you imagine a world with a different actor cast as Doogie and a different (presumably Jack-Black-like) character as Barney.
It doesn't bear thinking about. *shudder*.
That's all. Go phone your Moms! (it's Mothering Sunday here in the UK today!)