all in all, it was fun. i got dragged to camden lock, which appears to have improved since i was last there. a beautiful sunny day and there weren't even that many tourist. lots of demonia shoes (PK, i found yours but couldn't get thru to you on the phone to see if you wanted any!), lots of nice interesting jewellry, maaaany shoes, and black rose is now running the adjacent unit as a rockabilly/vince ray type store. bought jez a bowling shirt ^_^ i bought these sandals at one store:
they are heavy, reflecty and taaaaall. i was with a 6'2" guy at the time and was taller than him with them on \m/
couldn't find the swear store, i suppose it's already closed. ah well. then i had to run for a bus yesterday, not in my new sandals but in regular shoes. i tripped and went FLYING, i've never taken a dive like that before but i ended up 10m down the road, skinned elbows and knuckles, the contents of my bag over the road. the lovely LOVELY bus driver, instead of driving off pissing himself laughing, pulled up alongside me and helped me into the bus :D what a nice man! so i bled all the way home. i'd forgotten how much grazes hurt but i am in SO much pain today. i can barely bend both arms and have pulled all the muscles in each shoulder. ow.
elbow. yes, i managed to bring half a london pavement back embedded in my skin:
i must've hit the ground fairly hard, look how squished my lip balm got!
finally, my sister has got this fabric, and i thought some of you lot might like it. she makes very nice little bags if anyone's interested, and can also get other colours: