11 Anders
17 Carver
8 Sebastian
5 Merrill
4 Isabela
3 Fenris
3 Zevran
1 Default F!Hawke
1 Leliana
1 Aveline
1 Carver/Merrill
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Random commentary:
12-13: This amuses the hell out of me. I am so glad that he is conveniently standing in front of a door, as if he's chasing someone out of his house. There are so many filenames I thought of to name these...just so many.
22-26: ISN'T HE ADORABLE? omg omg aww! Here's this
bit for the mood.
32: Reminds me of the "funny face" you can give to your Warden's profile pic in Origins LOL. Doesn't he look like Sylvester Stallone? He probably jogs around Hightown, ending his run up the steps of the Chantry. /insert Rocky theme here
46: is probably one of my favorites. LOL where I placed it makes it look like it's staring at...
47: ...this one. xD
Music for the mood. c: He totally practices the moon walk and that anti-gravity thing back at the mansion.
56: They just happened to be standing next to each other like that. I couldn't resist. c:
These icons are NOT intended to be bases. Please don't edit them.
*Usual rules apply. Comments/credit (either to me or this comm) is not necessary but wonderfully appreciated. Just don't credit someone else or yourself, for whatever reason.