Apr 23, 2011 19:06

Dragon Age:

7 Anders
5 Carver
3 Fenris
15 M!Hawke (1 mage, the rest rogue)
3 M!Hawke/Anders
1 Isabela
1 Nathaniel
3 Sebastian

1 Captain America/Iron Man
1 Yu Yu Hakusho

These icons are NOT intended to be bases. Please don't edit them.

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024

025 026 027

028 029 030

031 032 033

034 035 036

037 038 039

040 041

Random commentary:

5-7: ...I like Street Fighter. :'D
13: Watch out for that Crafty Carver!
15: It's not often Fenris unleashes his impression of the Silver Surfer. Sometimes, it backfires.
19: This.

*Usual rules apply. Comments/credit (either to me or this comm) is not necessary but wonderfully appreciated. Just don't credit someone else or yourself, for whatever reason.

These icons are NOT intended to be bases. Please don't edit them.

yusuke, nathaniel, yu yu hakusho, marvel, sebastian, carver, anders/male!hawke, anders, fenris, isabela, m!hawke, kuwabara, iron man, steve/tony, captain america

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