Oct 27, 2010 18:29
Day 27
If a book, with it's tone, dialogue, characters, setting, were to be a life you would chose, which would it be? Include the bad spots and why you'd chose those. This could be revealing...
Well, I can tell you a few comparisons: I'd rather be in Harry Potter than Lord of the Rings. The Shire's better than Muggle London, but Middle Earth seems so sparse on humans, and a twilight world, whereas the wizard world is claustrophobic yet surrounded by an outer universe of people.
And despite their difficulty, I like people.
I'd take Daddy-Long-Legs over I Capture the Castle.
Damar over Dune.
If we combine favorite period and favorite sense of magic and humanity--I think I'd go with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. The bones-of-earth feel to the magic, the contradictions of the polite common-places of the British society in a time of high war, and the abandon of the results of magic and the controlled scholarship of those practicing it fascinates me.
month of books