Day 26
At this point no doubt you've been provoked to think of other books in answer to some of the earlier questions. FreeStyle Space! (Borrow this question again if your month has 31 days, and you're keeping track of that sort of thing.)
This question oughta come sooner in the questions, methinks, because I'm kind of worn out at this point... but let's see.
Frances Hodgson Burnett!
beth_shulman brought her up in the comments, but I didn't remember her for the questions where she would have fit.
I loved A Little Princess when my mom read it to me, though the injustice had me so frustrated, and I was leery of the beginning. It was a foreign world I was encountering.
In my early teens I had a renaissance of interest when I discovered The Secret Garden was by the same woman, and I went looking for all her books. My passion for The Lost Prince did not quite stand up to the next time I read all these books in my 20s, but I understood what I loved about it. It had some weird mystical stuff, but the idea of being devoutly loyal to a cause, and that a friend could be raised up... it was just a book full of Sparkly Ideas.
Now I'm delighted by the idea of such richly gothic children's literature. She wrote unpatronizing stories where even the typecast characters had dimension. Something to aspire to...