Jul 18, 2008 14:38
Just got back from a long ride. About 2:45 or so biking :15 for stop lights/signs approx = about 3 hours give or take = 42 miles
Training called for 155mins = 2hr 35 mins
Decided to take the North Branch trail today for my long training ride. About halfway out about as far away from home as possible it started to downpour which slowed me down a bit. Rained for about 10 miles. Total ride was just under 42 miles my longest/farthest ride yet. Instead of looping the trail at the end I got to where it loops back and turned around so I repeated the last 4.2 mile circle. Plus I went to Starbucks when I got back home.
People are so stupid. This one lady yelled at me "Stay on your side please" Um. HELLO? Its called passing. I had just passed a guy.... it was before a curve, but I finished the pass before the curve and was just about to go back into my lane. I realize there are stupid people on they trail they deal with every day, but she hadn't even seen me riding and just assumed I was the stupid one? BTW I was going extra slow too to be cautious. Whatever Mrs. Superiority.