To everyone who actually complains about holiday themed horror movies....

Dec 15, 2006 03:46

To everyone who gets offended by movies, such as "Black Christmas"


"Ohhhh its so insensitive toour religion...ohhh cry cry cry"

fuck you, your an incesitive prick to when you tell people they are going to hell for not being just like with it. and it has nothing to do with christmas AT ALL other then the fact that it takes place on christmas eve. it in no way does any injustice to the holiday, wich by the way was ruined about 200 years ago when we invented Santa Cluase.

so please, shut the fuck up and stop complaining. You know, every time Mel Gibson releases some jesus fuck movie, and you guys start petitioning to get it nationally recognized or some insane christan weirdness like that, that IS INCENSITIVE. And its not only the christians, its these asshole soccor moms too. "Ohhhh, I dont want my kid seeing it its so misleading" HOW? HOW? HOW?

its called BLACK FUCKING CHRISTMAS, and its rated FUCKING R, and the preview is full of FUCKING GORE. if your dumb enough to be mislead by such an obvious display of violence, then FUCK YOUR KID cuase hes already halfway to retarded by having half your genes in him.

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