Dec 03, 2006 03:29
I really do. I miss everything about it, everyone there ....
I miss:
*the air
*the sea breeze
*the REAL ocean
*the heavy japanese/asian influence
*the cool nights
*the hot days
*the sand
*my mother
*my little brothers
*my hippie lesbien biker hells angel grandmother
*the fact that no one there looks down on her becuase of who she is
*the fact that no one looks down on me becuase of who I am
*the accepting atmosphere, though they get a bad rap saying they are all superficial.
I miss it so much, just the feeling of being in cali is different then here. I used to think I would have loved to live in NY, but I realize the only reas on I wanted to live in the city was becuase it was like Cali, atmosphere wise in a way. The diversity, the cultural feeling, it was all there....but, it was too hectic, too insane, too forced. Things like that just 'happen' in cali. but with a more laid back approach. Nothing beats the summer there, waking up at 8, walking through the thick, yet warm, fog to the beach. Sitting and watching the sunrise, over the clear blue water. Digging your toes into the sand, not feeling a single weed or rock, jsut smooth, velvety sand. walking home again, getting some REALLY good sushi, calling up a few pals, and chilling out for a while, before driving to Monterey, where you hit up the shops, see a cult classic at the Osio Plaza, frolicking on the beach, till the sun starts to set. Maybe a boat ride or two, then, when it starts to cool off, you build a bonfire on the beach, and just watch the stars, hear the waves....feel the warmth. All the time, never having to say "The time slipped away" becuase it seems to crawl at a pleasuarable speed. Things slow down, good days seem to go on and on, and never end, and its wonderful. "Time flys when your having fun" is a saying nary heard in cali. "Time lasts when your having fun" is heard all the time.
I am really feeling a need to feed this cali urge....Christmas I think I will go. And its going to take alot to pry me back here, because....I feel so at home. At peace....I feel like everything is good and allright when I am there.
The point is, I just miss matter how much people mock it, or say shit about it. I know the truth, the real california. I know there is more to it then Arnold Schwarzenagger and Plastic boobs. There is a side of Cali many havent seen, because they only observe the negative side. Something I notice people dont do much with other states.
Ah well, deep down a cali boy I stay, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING can ever make me sway.....
later world....
P.S.: If you wanna buy me a ticket to cali for christmas, I would love you forever =D
night night