(no subject)

Aug 02, 2014 21:59

-Hop in my step in time.
-We cannot change who we have been or even who we are. But we can change who we will be.
-We got to talk about this stuff. It is important.
-Many things at different times, but this right now.
-Within the reach.
-Twist without pain. Blazing without smoke. Grinning with it all.
-How do you know what you are looking for if you have never found it before?
-"Once you stop learning, you start dying."
-200 maybe.
-Obsesses with analysis.
-Open minded hardass.
-Compulsion vs drive.
-I'm pretty sure that righted itself.
-Sustaining anything is hard, be it good or evil.
-That melodic directness would be grand.
-"Intricate limericky"
-Where is your curiosity?
-When is not giving a damn a virtue?
-Notes to self.
-I don't think skill is what limits most people.
-Messy attention to detail.
-Literal lack of vision.
-Overly kind if it's on my mind.
-One thing more.
-Every voice that you got.
-Don't you ever apologize to me for that.
-Learn from luck.
-Did not have time to create a back story so I created a character who didn't know his.
-The line is not as clear as we wish it was.
-"There are a hundred solutions to this problem."
-Delightful nonsense.
-Migrating bed.
-Filthy rhymes and poetry.
-"there's too much beauty here"
-Why should that dull my interest?
-"Dangers await only those who do not react to life." ~Mikhail Gorbachev
-Where is that anonymous juxtaposition?
-You don't have to, of course.
-"We desperately need to recognize that we are the guests, not the masters, of nature and adopt a new paradigm for development, based on the costs and benefits to all people, and bound by the limits of nature herself rather than the limits of technology and consumerism." ~Mikhail Gorbachev
-It arrives anyway.
-True not pitiful.
-Not facing a street.
-Dashes and crashes.
-Mad lib templates.
-Thoughts reform and repeat.
-Not to be said or read or dead.
-The contrast makes her stand out like a flame.
-Need that distraction.
-Phantom burns.
-Losing interest in the uninterested.
-"the dark art of stirring up problems that only he can solve"
-I choose my words and they stick with me.
-When my mind is active it spills over top.
-Is this intensity unique to me? It can't be.
-I'll enjoy it too much.
-"Je t'adore mon madame"
-Not the only one alive.
-Lucky thee.
-"most people don't notice other people"
-All up in that business.
-Taught to be a rogue.
-Taut and sensitive.
-"eerie and delicate"
-High expectations.
-Adjust the angle.
-Imitate intimacy.
-I can't say that it is nothing but it sure ain't everything.
-Can't match that interest.
-"Protesting misogyny in gaming by not playing video games is misogyny working."
-Casey at the desk.
-Rush and it'll be all wrong. Dilly dally and you'll miss your chance.
-"They're not posing seductively. They're just doing their thing. It's interesting to see nude women as just forms--athletic forms without that sexual connotation."
-Not quite right.
-Psychics are cheaters.
-From five angles.
-Ultimate sign of interest and participation.
-Not going to judge you but I might inquire.
-This might have more weight if English grammar was not full of exceptions.
-We are all victims. And separately we are all beneficiaries.
-"75% of all fruit on the planet is pollinated by bats"
-Well chosen birds.
-Is the goal to do the the right thing no matter what? Or to do what it takes?
-Play it cold.
-"if humanity is going to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon let's make sure it is as least intentional."
-Clinging to your character.
-"Change begins with persistence and commitment."
-Respect pedant.
-Decisions and options.
-Getting myself into trouble.
-Off putting putting off.
-Chase or stalk.
-That feeling that they try so hard to describe. I'm not even talking about love but something more universal.
-Do not default to judgement.
-For instance.
-Omni righteous.
-Wish I could hide just that.
-"epic and intimate"
-How can you be proud of not caring?
-How to tell where her worries lie?
-"négligée, literally meaning neglected"
-Luck in carnation.
-Floating foot box.
-Good to see you excited.
-Jealous gentlemen.
-"robbed of dignity even in death"
-You don't get to choose to be or not be a role model.
-If I do receive that from him, will I try to forget what type of man he has been?
-Try to communicate without words for a bit.
-Nearly touching.
-Beside herself.
-"Make me jump into the air"
-I don't care about it but I care that you care about it.
-Storied and floored.
-What's so great about survival?
-Will find a way to satiate.
-All very doable.
-It does not matter how much you want it, if you can't build it safely you cannot build it!
-Suggest with placement.
-"It's easier to dupe the deaf than the blind"
-A debt.
-You think these things about yourself and then you realize they aren't quite true.
-A crush without folds.
-Don't sell yourself long either.
-Two examples.
-"Nostalgia for her lost youth, not his"
-In some ways better.
-"profoundly sensitive"
-Can't quite tell what she's thinking.
-Questions and antlers.
-Gonna die anyway. Deluge.
-"Thank you for letting me take drugs with you."
-Is that fear? I think it is, but not sure of what. Several options.
-Is that projection, reflection or a true image?
-Good as known.
-Don't you dare misrepresent.
-Cute lie.
-More than words.
-"no, no, no, you didn't land on earth to do this!"
-Full and fine.
-"The right thing. We haven't done that in a while."
-The scariest thing is that they are people.
-Don't need redemption yet.
-You will see me there.
-Affection effect.
-When all you have is a laser.
-Do gooder.
-Books fall apart.
-"This is it"
-Can't fall short.
-No neglect is needed.
-The blank rage to go with a blank page.
-"there has long been a plague of poorly developed female characters outfitted with symbols of likability - good looks, one-liners, adorable flaws - instead of personalities."
-Trailblazers and trailers.
-Experimenting with convention.
-Off and on we go.
-What a problem to have.
-Too aware.
-Invisible fields linking figures.
-Even wires melt.
-All in the tone.
-"Blame and finger pointing have no place in a healthy, intimate connection."
-More than tissue.
-Suddenly it's not so hard. It can be done.
-Here for it and you.
-A comfortable place.
-"what a lovely mob"
-Hungry for teeth.
-Descendants above.
-A silhouette of anxiety.
-Extra sweet and extra cold.
-"Be direct, usually one can accomplish more that way."
-If you knew what would happen it would not be a risk.
-More or less than I appear.
-Full of vectors.
-She breaks no rules.
-What to do with palindrome tune, geek squint and sweet, pastry pilfer and bridge metronymic, vulnerable peeper and socket, cipher zealot?
-Not enough words.
-Just enough booze for a boogie.
-Can't drive away.
-"Real artists talk about things that nobody else talks about, and talk about them candidly."
-God, all at once.
-Does strength give you power? Because I know power does not give you strength.
-Invent renewal.
-Is there a way to want without needing? Need to bear the agony that goes along with loss.
-There are ways to boon.
-"Heinlein is a problematic case for feminists; on the one hand, his works often feature strong female characters and vigorous statements that women are equal to or even superior to men; but these characters and statements often reflect hopelessly stereotypical attitudes about typical female attributes."
-Not all such heavy sorrow.
-Triple buoyant.
-Possible to leapfrog.
-"If words could make wishes come true"
-It is not that all men must die. It is all men will die.
-A lucky gent.
-"...just because what they are doing doesn't resonate with you, you don't need to be out and out cruel..."
-Avoiding empathy for their own convenience.
-Not attached to anything and leads to nowhere.
-"As it happens, there's a very weird link between shame and fantasy, but not the one you think. While the majority of women picked domination as an arousing fantasy, the majority of shameful experiences that were shared with me also involved a degree of domination and coercion from their partner." "Women, it seems, like the idea of being controlled, but the reality of it is never on par with the fantasy,"
-Controllable but without reason.
-External fiber disconnect interlock feeding back to internals.
-Probably more to it than that.
-"My brain wanted me to think,"
-Robs the climax from the reader.
-Here and there at your pleasure.
-List making compulsion is a sign of OCD or OCPD.
-Counting letters. Back, forward, max and min.
-Shoulders made of chips piled high.
-"give you all the me until there is nothing left"
-A lot easier to love someone who loves you back.
-Stacked meanings.
-"over the rooftops"
-As you won't.
-Lacey foot work.
-Pursue without chase.
-Don't quite care if you figure it out.
-Quite the unreasonable want.
-Can't be stored.
-"All that we thought we understood was merely a mirage crafted by the very unfathomable minds we once so stubbornly insisted we could know,"
-Unabashed and crashed and stashed.
-They can still be bittersweets.
-Desiring compromise.
-Find an anyway.
-Further away than logic.
-Former head and shoulder rubs.
-"It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain"
-And each time those waves ripple across the surface of the earth, they increase in strength.
-This majesty has a lot to say.
-Attention to reveals.
-Beside not beyond.
-A chance to talk.
-The important thing is not your pride.
-"Why is she called little mermaid? She's like a full grown mermaid, right?"
-Stubbornly analytical.
-Not true to me.
-Attention to retail.
-"Avengers: Tokyo Drift"
-That new old book smell.
-"reality tunnels"
-The creator of Frankenstein is the author.
-Definitely that but also other random shit.
-"had to happen"
-Because it's sweet, personal and universal.
-A world where caring gives you an edge.
-Perilous peers.
-"For the most part we inherit our opinions. We are the heirs of habits and mental customs. Our beliefs, like the fashion of our garments, depend on where we were born. We are molded and fashioned by our surroundings."
-A mirror in the center reflecting both sides. There might not even be a need for something to form an image.
-The word words.
-Stop to gaze.
-Open to the notion.
-"Dammit, I'm mad!"
-How conflicted are you?
-Volume differential.
-An attempt.
-Give that chance.
-"pelvic sorcery"
-You'll have to think about it.
-Drawing from the sum total.
-Close your eyes and focus your ears. And breath deep.
-Numb numerals.
-Thanks buffer man.
-Trends not truths.
-It can be done.
-Do I make you uncomfortable?
-"Loyalty to the throne first, to the man who sits on it second"
-That poem makes me want to cry but it does not make me sad.
-You got to listen a bit if you want to be heard.
-Trying not to excite.
-If they can't see your blood on the page you are holding back vitals.
-Not all are meant for all roles. Weird how we series so many of them thinking it proves anything.
-Perhaps mayhaps may be perchance.
-Carefully crafting circumstance like a cadaverous count.
-Deep down I don't know.
-"Something about it, the big, drooping hat sitting atop her thin-stemmed body, reminded me of how she likened herself sometimes to a flower, how vulnerability and resilience can coexist."
-Worded all wrong.
-Without helm.
-Leave them alone.
-Unwanted flowers.
-"And why does this same God tell me how to raise my children when he had to drown his?"
-The polygon has no curves.
-Noticing people patterns.
-Listening but you can't hear.
-"I cannot believe that there is any being in this universe who has created a human soul for eternal pain. I would rather that every god would destroy himself; I would rather that we all should go to eternal chaos, to black and starless night, than that just one soul should suffer eternal agony."
-Ruthless in my reasoning.
-Give more than shit.
-Broken down into reasonable steps.
-"They will never find them! they are all probably space colored by now."
-I generally appreciate being corrected.
-Engulf fear
-"Homophobia is an attitude or belief. Bigotry is action."
-There is something they are trying to express.
-Getting the gall to do it all.
-Exhausted nerves.
-Clearly up to you.
-Don't fail to adjust.
-"It's simply the most visible result of the complex interplay between genetics, environment, and personal history."
-Do not censor but do reconsider.
-Frankly, that being said I must admit it stems from as such.
-Doubt in government is self fulfilling.
-Goodbye space paladins.
-Fractal engineering.
-Still looking for seams.
-I have not worked this hard nor been this happy since fleeting moments in college.
-I don't need solutions now. But I need bare truth.
-Productive conflict requires awareness of all the icky bits.
-Butchering the line.
-"The idea of hell was born of ignorance, brutality, fear, cowardice, and revenge."
-All is a deep thrum.
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