(no subject)

Jul 19, 2014 22:14

-Fast turn around.
-The beginnings of autocannibalism.
-"In Cubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form-instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context."
-Catches eyes like Marilyn or Krumm.
-More sentimental than you realized.
-"man cannot live by bread alone but first you need bread"
-Awww, I don't know if that's sad or not.
-King Midas tripped and caught himself with his hands against the ground, then the planet turned to gold.
-"I swear I'm not making this up."
-Great ladies in my life.
-It requires opportunity and a non-resistant community.
-Trying to passively discourage it.
-Imagine everyone says 'though I could be wrong' after whatever they say. It might make you think they are less arrogant and make you react less to honest doubt.
-You are not being watched but you are being reeled.
-Think you can help.
-"You won't find reasonable men on the tops of tall mountains."
-That expression.
-"You walk around naked"
-Weltschmerz and Acedia
-Need this outlet.
-"And we'll never be royals"
-It is important to know what you want. Though it's also good to not want a lot.
-Two questions that are not entirely dependent. Does it affect the actions of others? Should we be allowed to do it?
-Don't be shy with honesty. Enjoy it cause it's you.
-Too smart and reckless.
-"My parents, since I was a young child, they always wanted me to be the country’s preeminent rock ’n’ roll-accordion-parody artist"
-Nerd then geek.
-Combine those two.
-You actually say I don't know.
-"clumsy effort"
-I don't know if I am fundamentally opposed to people robbing banks.
-Don't lions share?
-Not in the same way.
-So damn sexy.
-You do not actually have to do that next.
-Act it up.
-Nearing the end of a bottle of vino.
-All the old lost friends.
-"Wonder Bread toasted, with Skippy Super Chunky melted on it, slices of overripe banana and fresh crisp bacon"
-Look down with the rise. Then cycle two, look to the side.
-I may have lost it way back then.
-Prolific in a sense.
-That ally because why not.
-"Poverty is the worst form of violence." ~Mahatma Gandhi
-"Those who find glory in war celebrate the slaughter of people." ~Lao Tzu
-Argue with bullies.
-Hitler was just a man but so are you, so don't forget the harm you can do.
-There are enough of us so you can do your thing.
-"...myth is the first fumbling attempt to explain how things happen, the ancestor of science. It is also the attempt to explain why things happen, the sphere of religion and philosophy. It is a history of prehistory, telling us what may have happened before written history. It is the earliest form of literature, often an oral literature."
-Looking into lust in long lost lands.
-Cure in your cat's litter box.
-A case of addled 'tudes.
-Freak the whitey.
-Cocoa arms.
-A flaming retard.
-I'll be the bastard.
-Why explain when you can just say to leave it alone?
-Driven away with shared language.
-"They didn't know what they were talking about, but they were communicating."
-It is his duty to say something about it. A bit more persistent than not at all.
-Does that count as abstract?
-Have that draw and sketch.
-Not universally true. Still worth saying.
-"sadism as duty"
-How to shout with resonance?
-"revenge is for the weak so I have settled my vendettas"
-Grateful for your being.
-Success is a moving target.
-She's got the strength you assumed she could not possibly have.
-"Package them in brilliant biting language"
-Many chances.
-Tears come from nowhere.
-Cruel demands.
-And my nails suffer.
-Wasted time of day.
-These words aren't even helping.
-Proud of something.
-Cannot on your silver tongue.
-The heart is all soft spots.
-Can you make art without limits?
-"...that sense of timelessness within time."
-Repetitive sentence structure.
-You can really do anything. But it may take a toll.
-Won't regret the jaunt.
-Out of words.
-Come around corners.
-"A Farewell to Alms."
-Animate objects.
-Warp mirror.
-"I got to George Lucas my masterpiece."
-Get your heart in it.
-Really too iconic.
-The engineer makes guarantees and they are usually true but they do choose words carefully.
-0.99^100 equals gonna get pregnant.
-There are no reservoirs, no rigid bodies. But for practical purposes they can be treated as such.
-Seems a lot more when all together. And frankly intimidating.
-It nurtures this notion
-I am always so worried about a new entry, having too much of this or not enough personal bits. But when I look back I am pretty satisfied with each one.
-Give them what they want and they might take it.
-'funded by some, enjoyed by all'
-Do I want what I cannot give?
-Heavy arms grasping.
-I love that people laughed at that.
-Mistakes are abundant.
-"holding onto the past" Electronically.
-Integral memories.
-Twisting stamps.
-What will we decide is unsafe tomorrow?
-Earth is generally down.
-Crazy person doodles.
-Not reliable but occasionally advantageous.
-Double rainbow.
-Diamond fuel.
-You can't admit it if it's not true.
-Admire well placed persistence.
-Background reprocess.
-Notice it all but do not break.
-Why do you want that?
-Unlikely is enough to drive me mad.
-Insane acts with a brief intermission.
-Drain the protective earth shield!
-Return without returners.
-Take her away.
-In fields they weren't even allowed within.
-Check your units.
-Can't be elected King.
-Presented nude without anxiety. Still expecting alarm.
-Ruined my demeanor.
-Outside opportunity.
-Looking for complements.
-Fate compensates for your drive and/or ambivalence.
-Risk without realistic chance of reward.
-Means little by itself.
-A few more words.
-DNA damage.
-Focus on the cons for your own sake.
-"where practiceable..."
-Obvious to onlookers.
-Right on my face.
-Secretly known.
-Spirits or letters.
-Butterfly belly.
-Tripper tropes.
-Ran amok.
-Eating away in and out.
-Transient transference.
-Hair and teeth. And rewarding eyes.
-They are lost in internals.
-"Life is a narrow vale between the cold
And barren peaks of two eternities.
We strive in vain to look beyond the heights,
We cry aloud; the only answer
Is the echo of our wailing cry.
From the voiceless lips of the unreplying dead
There comes no word; but in the night of death
He sees a star, and listening love can hear
The rustle of a wing.
These myths were born of hopes, and fears and tears,
And smiles; and they were touched and colored
By all there is of joy and grief between
The rosy dawn of birth and earth's sad night;
They clothed even the stars with passion,
And gave to gods the faults and frailties
Of the sons of men. In them the winds
And waves were music, and all the lakes and streams,
Springs, mountains, woods, and perfumed dells,
Were haunted by a thousand fairy forms" ~Robert G Ingersoll
-Stuck in mind.
-Deaths per million.
-Find a way to do it anyway.
-Jedi powered.
-Natural dampening.
-"Everything man makes breaks"
-Caught by 22.
-Don't care enough about the structure.
-Can't have it. Recognizing this is not enough.
-Guilty conscientious.
-Awkwardly angry.
-Riding a train with an Americano.
-"code change party"
-Trying to hide and show. No seek but tell.
-Surface or deep down.
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