Then and Now
Carlton Lassiter. Psych. 138 words. G.
It used to be smiles and laughter, now it's silence and crappy coffee.
Prompt: breakfast
The mornings are the hardest parts of the day now.
Before the ‘separation’, Carlton Lassiter had always looked forward to what his wife would serve him that day. Laughter and smiles used to great him as he came into the kitchen, ready to face the day.
He remembers the first breakfast. She hadn’t been very familiar with cooking yet, so his oatmeal had been runny and the toast badly blackened, but he ate it with a smile. She must have realized that he only did it to make her feel better, but she was grateful anyway.
Over the years, her cooking had improved, and the oatmeal wasn’t so runny and the toast not so black. But that all changed the day she decided to leave.
Now, a cup of crappy coffee was what awaits him in the morning.
A/N: Beta-ed by Anna; thank you.