
Nov 18, 2010 11:03

I'm on the down side of this cold thingy. I'm not *better* yet, but I feel less like crap than I did the previous couple of days and the symptoms are less overwhelming. I'll probably still not be up to full energy for the weekend, but I should still be able to enjoy myself.

I figured out my final outfit while lying awake for no good reason at 5:30 this morning. The B&W damask bustle overskirt over a black cotton flounced skirt (which will possibly go over a striped underskirt), the ruched/ruffled shrug in black over an appropriate blouse (white if the black waist cincher still fits, black if not), and maybe the Noxenlux hat. (The hat is more swirly than damask, but I wore it with a damask jacket last year, and if I go with the stripey underskirt as well, with solid colors as balance, I think it will all work as general pattern-mixing.) There are three or four options for jewelry; I might take all of them and decide which one to wear on the spot.

This does mean that nearly all of my outfits will be in a "shades of black and white" spectrum. This is not entirely "steampunk" by my definitions, but then again I'm not really steampunk, and it does fit within the weird realm of overlap between steampunk and goth that I've set out for myself. (It has to do with fabrics, textures, and color ranges; if I actually get around to talking about Steamcon on costumiere I'll explain all that. That's a fairly big "if," though, considering that I never got around to NWC this year, let alone anything else.) As contrast I'll be taking a makeup palette in plum, copper, warm-toned neutrals, and perhaps some deep pinks with golden tones, to pick up more of the steampunky colors.

I still have at least three projects to finish by tomorrow morning, not including packing. :\ And I have no idea where my wire snips are and I really need them.

If you have lived with or spent extensive time around dogs, you should read this. Shylah has characteristics of both her dogs, and thus a lot of this was quite familiar to us.

Just so everybody around here is clear on this: It is not likely to snow in the urban areas any time soon. There isn't enough moisture. And this is a good thing. At this stage, I consider wishing for snow in Seattle to be a hostile act, and I will react accordingly to anyone who does so. :P (Snow in the mountains is just fine, before the all the skiers/boarders/tubers get into a huff.)

Finally, memo to Seattle PD: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. I am one of the people who *wants* to believe in the inherent goodness of people in law enforcement. You're making it really fucking hard.

edit (even though I haven't posted yet): morthael is at some sort of fishing-related expo for work today. He just called to tell me that some guy stepped in front of his camera as he was trying to take a photo of something. The guy was Mike Fourtner from the Time Bandit. Apparently we can't get away from these guys. (I told him to call me immediately if he runs into any more famous fishermen. He told me I'm a jackass.)

costuming, health, news/commentary, zomgweather!, pop culture, crafts

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