
Nov 12, 2010 09:11

Late notice, but: Flamenco performance Saturday evening (tomorrow!). Doors open at 6:30, we go on at 7:00. You don't even have to sit through the Irish dancers this time. ;) This year's excitement will be, can I remember to turn the correct directions for malaguena, and will I completely forget the last verse of sevillanas? And also whether the girls will accidentally fling their fans across the room during allegrias (this was a problem during our last rehearsal).

There will also be an "advanced" performance from Maria, Natalie, and John and Sima (our musicians) at 8 p.m. Other stuff going on includes the usual Irish dance (although it's the same time as our performance) and ballet, Gilbert & Sullivan performances (new this year), drumming, and the beer garden and wine raffle.


The 1000+-page book that has been responsible for most of my franticness the past couple of weeks is mostly delivered, with less pain than I was expecting. I had been worried that we would have trouble making the end-of-day deadline, so this is a relief. Doesn't mean that work slows down (I have a backlog on another project to catch up on), but it's one less thing to lie awake worrying about.


What I can start worrying about instead is my wardrobe for Steamcon and all the things I intended to do and haven't gotten to yet, and it's a week away. Right now the list is at least two necklaces, an entirely new hat/headpiece and possibility for modifying two other hats, a possible massive dyeing job, trimming some gloves I didn't get to the last time I wore the outfit they go with, and possibly finishing a major trimming project on a jacket. There is no reason at all any of this should have been left this late, aside from my general tendencies to procrastination.

I also have not firmly decided yet on what outfits I'm taking. Definites are the stripey nightmare, the bolero-and-bustled pinstriped ensemble (but with a high-necked blouse), and an outfit with the Retroscope black cotton bustle skirt, the Chic Star ruffled cropped jacket and the brocade top hat (as seen here), and my brocade overbust corset (which is visible in the photo of the pinstriped outfit). But I need at least two more outfits, and considering that I don't really "do" steampunk, I nonethless find myself with far more options than I can easily decide among. I've acquired quite a lot of Victorian/American-frontier styled pieces that will work for this event, and I really like all the ensemble ideas I've come up with. It's going to be an...interesting endeavor to make decisions and get the crafting done in the time I have available.

work/books, costuming, events, flamenco

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