Due to an ongoing
arguement with
zoozyq, I've started reading the
anti_porn lj community. Now, of course I disagree with them in principle...but I *really* disagree with them in certain places.
Like the responses to
this post.
I can't post to the community because I'm not a member...but here's what I would have to say in return.
I read this community because a friend does, and it contains opinions that are often very different than mine. This helps me to grow as a person, and to have what I think challenged. The responses to this posting do neither.
Shame on you for even thinking that. If you're truly interested in winning people over to your viewpoint of porn, you're not doing a very good job of it.
What I've taken away from reading this community isn't really a massive shift in my views but more some things I didn't realize before. Much like rape is really about power and not sex, porn is about more about respect. Sitting in judgement of people and rejoicing when harm comes to them because they don't happen to share your opinion is the ultimate in disrespect. I hope that everyone in this community understands that this hate undermines what I view to be your strongest point.
Just my 2c.