My Moms, In Response To My Email About Her Running Into My Interweb Life.

Apr 20, 2008 21:12

It was hard for me to tell you about the livejournal thing because I knew you would be embarassed. I just felt it more important than my discomfort (or yours, I guess). You mom knows YOU. I believe that I can tell the difference between you and the bloggy you. I never read anything that I didn't "get", although I didn't read the "I love my Moms" one. Must have been prior to my discovery. The point is, as I'm sure you understand, is that if one (like a parent) read this and didn't have a lifelong knowledge of you, they might be upset.
Your discussion is interesting. My generation never had any way to test out other personalities other than to try them on and use them with other people IRL. Sometimes that doesn't go over too well and can get you into a lot of trouble. Very ponder this. Very interesting.
Dinner was fun. I'm not used to seeing you with Shayla. She adores you. And rightly so. She was fun and I enjoyed both of you immensely. Did you really like the skate? It kind of freaked me out when he called it skate wing.
I will get a check off to you real soon.
I am proud of my Jessebird.

She used "IRL". Awwwww.

Speaking of family, I ran into my aunt and my uncle-in-law last night whilst socializing with buddies (and not, I may add, at the Horse Brass for another engagement, as I thought it was scheduled for today... me an' willie_randolph were even talking about going...). Sadly, he strolled up right after I got done dropping the N-bomb. Not on the racist tip, of course, but, you know, rather being-racist-and-crouching-it-in-irony-to-try-to-throw-people-off-the-scent tip. We were talking about the Awesome And Immense Power that the word has and if it's okay, under any sort of circumstances, for liberal white dudes to appropriate it. The consensus: probably not.

But, yeah, I'm all "N-BOMB!" and then my uncle strolls up and gives me a look. Uncomfortable chitchat ensued. I'll find out next family gathering if he heard it. Good times.

After that: MDC an' willie_randolph left, and I hung out with J and Little Lord Fontelroy and two Struggling Portland Artists. I guess the dude that wrote Mala Noche lives at the bar the East End. Like, not above, but inside. By the bathrooms. Whoa! Also, lots of talk about how tough Werner Herzog was. It was fun.

Prior, I rocked a yarmukle at Shayscho's family's seder.
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