Email I Sent To My Moms In Response To Her Finding My Livejournal

Apr 18, 2008 20:54

Giant tuition bill is $3,615.


Thanks again.

Also, I heeded your warning and am trying to go internet-anonymous a little bit. Clamped down security on the ol' livejournal, deleted the myspace (with my favoritest photoshop of me being cradled in captain James T. Kirk's arms, no less), and am trying to pseudonym up on some of the weirder youtube movies.

Respectability, here I come!

I'm choosing to believe that the only livejournal post you read was the "I Love My Moms" one from a few months ago. Also, this kinda got me to think about the nature of internet social sites. I don't know anybody that writes for a blog or lefty weekly or whatever that posts in a tone remotely resembling their IRL personality. Case in point: in World of Warcraft, my favored online video game time-waster, I play a character that's a woman. The "men" in the game treat me as such, despite knowing full well that, in all likelyhood, there's a pasty nerdy dude behind that lady's eyes. It's crazy. I think it's the sorta-anonymity provided that gives people the license and desire to do so. Moreover, I'd be willing to place a bet that, for adolescents, it's kinda healthy. A big part of being a teenager is trying out new personalities, right? What better place than the internet, where you get to be as gangsta as you want to be, or whatever, without too much fear of reprisal or actual breaking of societal rules? This was all I did on on the modem back when I was in the basement in high school all night long... well, that and illegally downloading video games. Very postmodern. All signifier, but no sign. Huh. I'd check the literature and think about a paper idea (other big news that I forgot to mention... your eldest might get published, albeit in very small print under several layers of names, before too terribly long... details to come!), but I'm sure Nightline, or whatever, has already come up with an overly alarmist story about the phenomenon.

To summarize: yeah, I'm still a little embarrassed. It ain't me. Just the computer me that I've cultivated since tenth grade. So maybe it is. Hrm.

Anyway, dinner was fun. Let's do it again soon. Mmmmmmmm pork bellies!

(crossposted to livejournal because it seems appropriate)
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