Participation . . . Anyone?

Sep 08, 2011 20:58

I've not forgotten this comm.  I was without internet for a number of days.  Still having issues in that area, but until the arrival of the new phone (I switched to a phone modem) I'll be on limited access.   I've been running ideas by in my head on what will make this community active.  Please watch for a poll in the next days wherein I'll be asking for answers which will help me decide where this comm should go in the future.  The ideas I like about the way this comm runs are the crits, the follow on concept, and the competition element.  One thing that won't change for sure is the non-fandom element.  After evaluating the poll I'll post a list of resulting ideas for everyone to vote on and consider.  Feel free to comment to this post as well.  Comments are screened.

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