(no subject)

Aug 20, 2011 20:29

Okay.  In the interest of getting things moving in this comm, I have the following offer good only for round 5 - numbers.

1.  Two additional points to your score if you get a friend to enter this round.  This will become a three point bonus if they also request concrit and provide at least one concrit for another entry for this round.
2.  1 point for every journal/community in which you promote this iconcritic (not including comm promo communities).  This is good up to three points. 
3.  When you enter, yes you must enter also to take advantage of this offer, please post the name of your friend who has also entered and also post a link to where you've promo'd this community.
4.   3 points will be given if, when you enter, you request concrit (please use the tag) and also provide concrit for at least 2 other entries for this round.
5.  The first person claiming a friend gets the point credit for that friend.
6.  Oh, and I almost forgot.  One additional point to your score in round 6 if your friend from round 5 (see number 1) enters round 6 also.

Note:  All concrits and entries must be for this round.  And, no one-liners please.

I will be following up with a poll if this doesn't get the community jumpstarted.  I'd really like to see some activity here.

round 5 - numbers, !mod posts

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