Going from this:
To this:
Made in PS7
Not translateable
PSD inside~
1. Color Balance:
Midtones: 38,8,24
Shadows: -8,-2,17
Highlights: -20,17,-5
2. Hue and Saturation:
Master sat: 20
3. New fill layer: fill with E2A8AB set to softlight 100%
4. Channel Mixer:
Red: 100,-12,-10
Green: -8,106,-4
Blue: -6,4,104
5. Selective Color:
Reds: -39,-15,15,-3
Yellows: -27,14,-28,-41
Neutrals: 16,-1,-10,4
6. New fill layer: fill with 212D0A set to Exclusion 100%
7. New fill layer: fill with AFE0ED set to Color Burn 100%
8. New fill layer: fill with AFA5A8 set to Softlight 100%
9. Color Balance:
Midtones: 18,-10,-38
Shadows: -35,-28,-2
Highlights: -5,-8,-10
Set to Softlight 62%
10. Hue and Saturation:
Master Sat: 17
And you're done!
Comments are always welcome
PSD Other results: