help with light textures/settings/tricks

Sep 08, 2012 22:41

I used this tutorial to make these textures but lost my settings in Photoshop CS5 since then since and the tutorial is not online anymore. I would like to recreate these textures with my CS5 or something very similar in either CS5 or Paint Shop Pro. Does anyone have any brush settings that will produce these results? Or a brush even that will ( Read more... )

program: photoshop, tutorial: textures, program: paint shop pro, graphic effects: textures

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chuckles0505 September 12 2012, 17:11:32 UTC
You could play around with the brush settings (shape dynamics and scattering) to see what works for you.

For example with PS, I clicked twice with a 20 px white, soft round brush with these scatter settings (scatter: %1000, both axes, control: off; count: 7, count jitter: 100%, control: off) and these shape settings (size jitter: %80, control: off, minimum diameter: %40).
Then added a light orange color layer (#fdca68) set to color burn to produce this:

For the second set of textures additionally change the foreground to background jitter under the color dynamics brush setting to range your dots between 2 colors.

I thought this article had a nice description on what some of the various brush settings do.

I hope that helps :)


shalowater September 13 2012, 00:13:14 UTC
For the second set of textures additionally change the foreground to background jitter under the color dynamics brush setting to range your dots between 2 colors.

thanks so much. can you explain further what you said there (above) maybe with an example or screen cap? i think that that is what i am looking for.

i like the one you made too. i will try those settings. the article is great also.


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