Pink Jersey Tinge Tutorial

Aug 17, 2011 17:08


Translatable: Yes
Difficulty: Easy 
Uses: Color fill layers

Step 1:

Grab your base image. Crop sharpen etc to prepare it. I’m using Madison Bumgarner.

Create a new layer and fill it with #ffcbd8 and set it to Darken only.

You can play around with the opacity if it’s too harsh for you, usually I lower it around the 65-80% range, but since the jersey in the picture is really bright I lowered it to 40%


As you notice, it should only color the jersey and nothing else. If it colors something else feel free to erase it or leave it (:

Optional Step!

Now that we have our colored jersey, time to color the picture up a bit, right?
I usually have a blue tone to my icons since I’m sort of obsessed with it right now.
Back to the tutorial.

Create a new layer and fill it with #00083a, it’s a dark blue color. Set it to screen, duplicate it twice, setting the top layer to subtract.

You can leave it like this, but since Bumgarner in my icon looks a bit washed out, I duplicate the untouched base, brought it to the top and set it to overlay

And you're done!

Other Examples

Tinge only:

With second step:

colouring: miscellaneous, program: gimp

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