TV Tropes Icontest

May 01, 2011 03:03

I've had an idea for an icontest going round my head for a while now, but I'm afraid it might be too twisted. So I'd like to see if you guys think it's worth it.

Those of you familiar with turbo_rumble might know that last round's theme was TV Tropes. Personally I thought I was a great theme, not only because TV Tropes are fun (and very addictive) but also because they make for very creative topics. Icontests can get very repetitive after a while and this brought to the table a whole world of new topics and techniques to explore, which were also very challenging. Which got me thinking it could be fun to turn this into a regular icontest.

My problem is I'm more than a little short of time, as are the other people who seemed interested in co-moding. The obvious solution would be to post less challenges, but that'd be boring for those participating. So I tried to come up with a plan that could reduce the mod duties while keeping it interesting for the makers. This is what I've got:

To put it in a sentence, it'd be a turbo challenge of sorts, but far smaller and with multiple independent winners per theme, rather than one global winner per round.

ROUNDS: The rounds would be posted once every two weeks. There would be a broad theme per round with four or five tropes to go with it.
SUBMISSIONS: Makers would be free to choose which tropes they want to submit icons for, this way they can manage their time and not feel forced to enter in challenges that they find uninteresting.
VOTING: Once the two weeks are done separate polls would be posted for each trope. The voting for all tropes would go up all at once (rather than leaving a day or two between each one) making it a quick process.
WINNERS: Each poll would be a stand alone piece, meaning there would be no final tally adding the results of all the tropes. There would not be a final winner of the round, rather there would be one winner for each trope. I've thought about adding a separate points tally which would include all rounds and giving awards (say choose a theme or something like that) ever so many points, but I fear it might make things too complicated.

I've also wondered whether to make this an elite comm or not. I've been a n00b -like I think everyone else has- and I know how frustrating it is not to be able to participate in a challenge because of the application process. On the other hand I also know that once you get more experienced, it might not be as tempting to enter challenges you win easily and not because your icons are that good but because most other makers are new to it. So I'm on the fence there. I think if the themes are challenging enough then both new and experienced makers will be interested in joining, making it fun for everyone. But I wouldn't want to risk losing possible participants because the comm is either elite or open.

Okay, to sum up, I've basically got three questions:

a) Would a TV Tropes theme be interesting enough for you to join?
b) What are your thoughts on the 'alternate' schedule I suggested? (If you think something could be changed please say so! I'm open to any suggestion).
c) Should this be an elite comm or open for all?
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