Predict the future!

Apr 24, 2011 18:50

The Live Journal graphics community in 2013
Try to predict what the graphic making community on LJ will look like in 2013.

The graphic community is constantly changing. People come and go, new communities open and others close, while our interests and trends change and evolve.

What do you think the graphic making community will look like in 2013? Will you still be here making/sharing graphics, commenting and flailing over fandoms and your favorite icons/makers? What will be different in 2 years? What do you think and hope will be the same and which aspects and overall trends (not just coloring or icon making techniques), but general attitudes and our way of doing things do you hope will change and what do you want to stay the same?

If we look back, trends and techniques from way back when tend to be recycled and reinvented, a trend period typically last for a a year or so before it slowly burns out and a new one is introduced. With this in mind, which trends do you think (or hope?) will be popular in two years?

If you consider the current development where people are slowly abandoning the ship and moving on to tumblr and other things, will the graphic community even be active in 2013?

These are just some suggestions to help start the discussion. I'm really curious to see everyone's response and thoughts on this. Please feel free to ramble on and share your opinions. Don't be afraid to participate and share your thoughts, no comment is "stupid" or silly. Any opinion counts and will be respected! :)
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