Mar 15, 2010 22:17
Hello everyone,
I'm a member of a few elite icontests and I'm debating with myself whether or not to apply to some others. So lately, I've been looking at some application posts at elite icon challenge communities. Regardless of your stance on elite icon communities in general, I'm very curious to hear if you think that using text on icons could ever count as a valid criterion for accepting or rejecting a maker.
I've seen some moderators rejecting applicants and giving as a reason (among others) that they should experiment more with text. I think I can see both sides of the argument. Using text on icons is clearly a skill: even the most talented makers readily admit that the text on their icons is the hardest thing for them. Adding text has to do with all the regular elements of icon making: colouring, composition, creativity, statement and keeping up the quality.
On the other hand, a lot of people don't like text on icons very much. I personally prefer my icons textless. Not just the ones I make, the ones I use made by others as well. I agree that text can add a little extra to an image, but I just generally prefer my icons without text.
So what do you think? Regardless of whether you in principle like or dislike elite icon communities: can "not enough use of text" be a valid argument for rejecting an applicant? For the record, I'm not talking about makers who slap text on everything and who clearly don't know what they are doing. I think if you use text a lot because you like it and you're doing it wrong, a moderator could use that as a ground for doubting your ability to work with your tools. I'm talking about people who generally don't use a lot of text on their icons: should they be rejected for that reason?
Thanks in advance!
ETA I should say that I personally haven't applied anywhere and been rejected, but I have been thinking about whether I think it was fair if I were to be rejected on the basis of "not enough use of text".