icons, 1x02, 42, the black donnellys, 1x01

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  • 20 Prison Break Icons

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Feb 07, 2007 21:38

    20 icons from the past episode of Prison Break; Chicago.

  • If taking, comments would rock.
  • Textless icons are not bases. So do not add text or edit
  • Credit goes to icon_mirage
  • Do not claim the icon as your own.
  • You may use the icons on sites other then livejournal, but please if you can link me back.
  • Leave a comment  7 
  • Six Ugly Betty Icons

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Jan 16, 2007 23:59

    I am starting to get my icon muse back. To test the murky waters I made six Ugly Betty icons. Lasts nights award shows just made me squee!

    So here are five from Sofia's Choice and one random Ugly Betty icon

  • Comments would rock. I love them
  • Credit will also rock. You don't have too, but don't claim them as your own
  • If you do credit. Credit to icon_mirage
  • Feel ( Read more... )
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  • Jason Wiles Criminal Minds Screen Caps

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Oct 12, 2006 19:21

  • 640x368 .jpg
  • Over 100 caps
  • All HQ
  • Credit to icon_mirage would be awesome, but you don't have too. However, please leave a comment if taking
  • Feel free to use these foricons, banners, and so on.
  • Leave a comment  5 
  • Jason Wiles on Six Degrees

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Oct 06, 2006 12:40

    Close to 70 HQ screen caps of Jason Wiles apperance on Six Degrees.

    625 X 352 in size. PNG format. The only water mark they have is the ABC one.

    Feel free to use these for icons or whatever. You don't have to credit, but that would be cool. If the download link dies, letme know and I will try to re-upload it.

    Samples )
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  • (Untitled)

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Aug 18, 2006 17:34

  • Screen Caps from epsiode 2X10.
    Read more... )
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  • (Untitled)

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Aug 11, 2006 16:28

  • Screen caps from Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass 2X09
  • Comment if taking so I can keep know how much bandwidth is being used, or if I have to reupload them.
  • Credit is always awesome. I love it. It's my crack
  • Credit goes to icon_mirage
  • Yes you may use these to make icons or whatever
  • Leave a comment  4 
  • It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Icons

    mercedeslove wrote in icon_mirage Aug 10, 2006 17:27

  • Comment and credit when taking. Please. :-)
  • Credit goes to icon_mirage
  • Icons are from various episodes of season two
  • SCreen caps are made by icon_mirage
  • Feel free to friend icon_mirage
  • Leave a comment  9 