Feb 15, 2010 15:05
I haven't gone back to my piano lessons/teacher...A) I'm too cheap, and B)...I just realized something! (It's not related to piano.)
I want more plush!
Yeah...my mom will not let me bring any more plushies into our house...I haven't tried, I don't want to cause any hard feelings to arise between us.
HOWEVER...I've been thinking this over, the whole "no plush" rule, (I've been forcing myself to make my own plushies...not like they're professional-looking!)...I have come up with absolutely nothing, no solutions to this, no way to convince my mother that my "habit" (plush-hoarding) is a just a part of me...I searched for plushie-like topics on Wikifur...there was something in one of the articles that described me.
Basically, it said that some people collect plushies...then just keep accumulating them...totallly disregarding the fact that there's limited room, space, plus places to put them! Or something...
I was going to print the whole article...our printer didn't want to copoerate.
Not that my mother would change her mind if she actually decided to read it.
OK...she would have read it; I'm pretty sure.
I have a question...I don't think any of you know the answer. If you do...I'll freak out!
When is my mom going to relent and let me move out? 'Cause my apartment' is going to be filled to the top with plush!
(She doesn't know this...)