Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls (Ch. 5)

Jan 31, 2005 22:03

[Title] Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls
[Author] ickle_huffie
[Beta] herbie_weasley
[Rating] R
[Pairing] Harry/Draco (Mentions of Ron/Hermione and Blaise/Pansy)
[Warnings] Slash, language, and sexual content
[Summary] Draco keeps thinking about Harry Potter, and can’t figure out why. When he finds out he’s a veela, suddenly it all comes clear. Set 6th year after OotP.

Note: Here we go with another chapter! Enjoy, loves.

X-posted in a few places. Sorry about that.

The next few days were miserable. After sitting along in my bed in the hospital wing for even a few hours, laid up with a cracked rib that Madam Pomfrey said was too close to my lung for her to be able to fix, I was bored with my bed, and I left-in pain-without her release. The first place I staggered down to was the dormitory, where I was forced by Blaise to explain to everyone what was going on. At first they’d been disgusted with the fact that I was destined to be with Potter, but they son relaxed and offered their support.

Blaise was scared to death that I’d gotten him pregnant, but I assured him he wasn’t; I had used a rubber, after all. That pacified him, and he agreed to let me shag him-as long as I used protection and only when I absolutely needed to. I offered him my eternal gratitude, of course.

Once I’d explained it all to them, they insisted that I rest, so I made myself as comfortable as possible on my bed and soon fell asleep again.

When I woke, I hit my books, catching up on work I’d missed in the half day or so that I’d been in hospital. With that done, I relaxed and asked if someone would bring me some books on veela from the library. I was surprised to see Crabbe and Goyle totter through the door, laden with dusty tomes for me to peruse. They dropped them all at the foot of my bed, and I pulled out a roll of parchments-to take notes.

The first few books I looked through were encyclopedias that didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. By the time I’d gotten through every encyclopedia, my nose itched from dust and my eyes were watering from trying to read some of the script. But I forged ahead, pausing only once to have some lunch.

I was laid up in my bed for a few days, so I used my time wisely. After I worked through the first pile of books, I sent someone back with them to the library to return them and fetch me some new ones. This exchange happened maybe three times before there were no more books. That’s when I sent them to the Restricted Section.

As soon as I’d finished with all of those, I went about organizing the notes I’d taken. It ended up as something like this when I finished:

- Veela love unconditionally
- If I don’t convince Potter to be with me, I’ll look like shite
- I must treat Potter with (ergh) tender love and care
- I must be as faithful as possible until he’s mine
- Always use protection
- Make sure Blaise isn’t pregnant
- Ask Dumbledore for my own room
- Safety of self/others
- Privacy
- Etc.

- Pamper Potter
- Chocolates/candy
- Flowers
- Anonymous love letters (gross but necessary)

- Ask for Granger’s help
- Keep working out
- Eat less poultry; birds are distant veela relatives

The list went on from there, including several sex tips. After all, some of those books had been more than a little bit risqué.

I sat back, satisfied, put my list away and went back to sleep.

* * * * * *

After another day or two, I was able to get out of bed and move some on my own. If I walked too far, though, I got rather winded.

My first long journey was from my bedroom to the library. I was wheezing and flushed when I got there, but I’d made the trip. Satisfied with myself, I grabbed a book and sank into the nearest chair, resting and pretending to be interested in the book as I actually watched the people coming in and out. A few stopped to talk to me for a bit, but I wasn’t really interested in them, either.

Then my target bustled in. There was no other word for it but bustled. Granger. I grinned like a wolf as I got to my feet, managing to follow her into the stacks in silence despite my pain. Slightly anxious, I reached out and tapped her on the shoulder.

She jumped a bit, whirling on me, her wand pressing into my side. I gasped, whimpering softly. It was far too close to my cracked rib for comfort. I held up my hands, and watched as realization dawned on her. “Oh, Merlin! Sorry, sorry!” she cried, removing her wand and grimacing. Then she glared. “Even though I hate you, I’m sorry. Harry hurt you, and I’m sorry. Because you didn’t fight back. Noblest thing I’ve seen you do so far.”

I just looked at her for a while.

“Well? What do you want?” she asked.

I bit my lip. “I, er, need your help.”

“My…help,” she repeated, suspiciously.

“Mmhm. It’s, um, well…I need your help with…Potter.”

“With Harry.”


“…What about him?” I could tell she was curious, though still wary.

I shifted uncomfortably. “Okay, alright. I’m a veela, and he’s my mate, and I have to get him to fall in love with me or I’ll end up pining my life away for him,” I said in one breath, as quickly as possible.

She stared at me. “You’re a veela.”


“And Harry’s your mate.”


She stared some more and then finally said, “I’ll have to see the facts on that one.”

“I have a lot of the books down in my dormitory. I only found out myself a few days ago.” I produced a roll of parchment from my pocket and held it out to her. “These are the reasons I must be a veela, and some of my notes about veela in general.”

She took it. “I’ll…get back to you on this one, then.”

“Alright. Ta then,” I replied, going off and back to my dormitory to rest.

* * * * * *

When I awoke, the room I’d campaigned for with Dumbledore by owl post was ready. A group of house elves helped me move my trunk in, but as soon as it was inside, I dismissed them, looking at my new-and bare-surroundings.

I opened my trunk and pulled out some unmatched socks-everyone has them. These would be the bases of my new furnishings. I scattered them strategically around the room and pulled out my wand, transfiguring them. When I was done, I had a set of rooms full of stylish (and comfortable) furniture. Black and white. Mostly black. Stark. Clean. Unique. Fitting.

I grinned to myself, deciding to write my mother to have her send over my books. As soon as I’d sent that note off with my owl, I set about cleaning out the rooms.

Once I’d finished cleaning, I relaxed, falling onto my new bed and staring up at the blackness of its canopy. Soon my eyes closed and I slept.

As soon as I awoke, my owl nibbled on my fingers, nodding its head at the package it had left for me at the foot of my bed. I gave the avian his deserved appreciation, and opened the box, placing my shrunken books on their new shelves. With them all placed, I restored them to their normal size, and had buried myself in one of them when someone pounded on my door. Grumbling, I stood and answered it. “Yes?”

“Alright, Malfoy, you’re telling the truth,” said Granger, pushing past me into my living room. She paused, surveying it. “Nicely done,” she commented, before turning back to look at me as I shut my door.

“No, I’m not lying,” I agreed.

“I’ll help you. But not because I like you-because I’m tired of seeing Harry so upset and withdrawn. Ever since Sirius…” She shook her head, obviously not wanting to continue on that train of thought. “I know a veela does everything to make his or her mate as happy and comfortable as the mate can be. So you’ll be good for him, and to him. But…”


“If you hurt him, so help me, I’ll string out your pathetic life as long as humanly possible so that you’re as miserable as he is.”

I swallowed. “Point taken.”


“So…” I said after a pause, “What do I do?”

“Harry needs help with Potions.”

“Help? Isn’t he taking an extra lessons?”

She gave me a withering glare. “He isn’t in Remedial Potions, Malfoy. It’s a cover. He’s not that stupid.”

“A cover for what?” I asked. She didn’t answer.

“So. I’ll tell him to meet you in the old Potions room, and you’ll help him. There. See him there about an hour before dinner.”

“Thanks, Gr…Hermione.”

“You’re welcome…Draco.”

I grinned as she left. I had my chance at last.

[Other Chapters] One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven
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