Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls (Ch. 4)

Jan 16, 2005 01:40

[Title] Draco Malfoy and the Union of Souls
[Author] ickle_huffie
[Beta] herbie_weasley
[Rating] R
[Pairing] Harry/Draco (Mentions of Ron/Hermione and Blaise/Pansy)
[Warnings] Slash, language, and sexual content
[Summary] Draco keeps thinking about Harry Potter, and can’t figure out why. When he finds out he’s a veela, suddenly it all comes clear. Set 6th year after OotP.

Note: The delay is LJ’s fault, not mine, I promise. The overwhelming positivity I’ve gotten about this really…it’s supportive, and I’m thankful for it, just so you know.

X-posted in a few places. Sorry about that.

I could find no reasoning behind the fact that I’d thought so much about Potter. He invaded my daydreams and dominated my dreams at night, also daring to sneak into my daily thoughts. At every opportunity I was cruel to him, trying to get back at him for making me think about him so much. My abuse of him earned me a warning from Snape, and later, a warning from Dumbledore himself.

I tried to obey, but my mind drove me into further cruelty.

I plotted a grand, explosive revenge and waited for the right moment to execute it.

My chance came on the night of the Halloween Feast. Potter and his cronies seemed to be having a hell of a time, laughing and carrying on. I watched them like a hawk, waiting patiently for my chance to strike.

Potter excused himself, as did I. I followed him out of the Great Hall and down a corridor for a bit before I tapped him on his shoulder. He turned, and I threw my fist into his face, listening to the satisfying wet crunch as I broke his nose, his blood sullying my knuckles.

He cursed and brought his hands to his face before crashing his own fist into the side of my jaw. Pain exploded through my mouth and my head-something was warning me against this fight.

With the advantage now, Potter punched me solidly in the gut, my breath gushing out of me all at once. I bent double as I felt Potter hit me in the side; I couldn’t fight back. I didn’t know why, but something was inhibiting me from hurting him. I was left to take his beating, helpless as I fell to the floor.

His fists pummeled me endlessly, and I could do nothing to stop him. I knew that I was bruised and bleeding as I staggered to my feet once again, only to have fireworks explode through my head and watch as everything faded into black.

* * * * * *

When I awoke, my head felt like it was twice its normal size and my mouth felt as if it were filled with cotton. I opened my eyes slowly, the hospital wing coming into focus. I pushed myself up with my hands, but it hurt almost to the point where it felt like my side was on fire. I felt a cool hand on my bare chest pushing me back down on the bed and wondered what had happened and how I’d come to be here. “Don’t hurt yourself, love,” I heard a feminine voice say.

I blinked, looking up. “Mum?”

“Yes.” She brushed the hair away from my forehead, smiling down at me from her perch on the edge of my bed vaguely.

I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She lifted a glass of water to my lips, and I drank gratefully until I felt like my tongue was my own again. “Wh-what happened?” I asked, listening to my own voice. I sounded like a frog.

“You fainted. The Potter boy hit you until he knocked you out. He did have the grace to bring you up here, though.”

“…Oh…what’s…going on?”

“After the fight, Professor Dumbledore thought I should know what you’ve been up to. You’ve done some very bad things, Draco, but I think I might know why.”

I winced as I sat up again, but this time she didn’t argue, merely shifting my pillows so I was comfortable and in much less pain. “Tell me, please?” I asked politely.

She smiled and nodded, relaxing. “Well…first, tell me…why did you start that fight?”

I flushed, looking down at my hands as I picked at my fingernails. “It’s…I can’t stop thinking about him,” I said hesitantly, not looking up. “And it…it makes me so angry that I…I can’t stop, so…I…I wanted to hurt him. He takes up so much of my time! I only wanted to be rid of him plaguing my mind…haunting me…”

She nodded again, slowly. “How do you think of him?”

I blushed even more. “He…makes frequent appearances in my…dreams,” I admitted.

“And I understand you were out for three days not too long ago?”

I noticed dimly she was starting to sound like some kind of interrogator as I slowly turned absolutely crimson. There were just some things you did not want to discuss with your mother. “Yes. Potter gave me some…special…chocolates.”

She suddenly looked very stern, her eyes full of suspicion. “Draco Lucius Malfoy, have you been doing drugs?”

“What?! No!!” I cried, the color draining from my face. “There was a bloody aphrodisiac in the chocolates,” I grumbled in my defense.

“And that’s why you were laid up?”

I flushed again. “Well…yes…”

She paused. “Yes…I think I understand,” she said after a moment, nodding sagely.

“Can you help?”


“Of course.”

“I don’t think so. But I think I can explain all of this.”

“Please do.”

She seemed to consider for a moment. “Your father and I didn’t think that this would happen, Draco, but…it seems that you’re a veela.”

“A veela? How?”

“Yes. There’s a good amount of veela blood on your father’s side of the family. He’s never exhibited any signs of being a veela himself aside from his looks, though, so we thought he didn’t have the veela gene. I guess we were wrong, because the only thing I can think of that explains all of this is that the veela gene was dormant in him and that he passed it on to you, which activated it.”

“But what does that have to do with Potter?”

“Well…I think there’s only one thing that explains that.”

“What?” I asked, getting frustrated and impatient, hungry for answers.

“He’s your mate,” my mum replied simply.

“My mate?”

“Yes, Draco,” she said, as if to a small child. “Don’t you remember anything about the most famous magical creatures? Veela mate for life, and I’m afraid the fact that he’s your mate will never change.”

“Damn,” I muttered under my breath. “Well…what do I need to know about being a veela?”

“Draco…did your father ever speak to you about the birds and the bees?”

“Yes, mum.”

“Oh, good, then I don’t have to do all the dirty work. Being a male veela is slightly like being a woman, to be honest.”


“You’ll have a period, just like a woman.”


“No, no, love, not like that. You’ve already had one or two, I think. You see, male veela have a sexual peak once a month that gives them…an erection no matter the circumstances.” I was glad to see that this wasn’t awkward for just me as she blushed slightly. “Having sexual intercourse appears to be the only way to cure this.” I nodded. That made sense, and explained why mine had gone away after I’d gotten my pity-shag out of Blaise. “Be careful, though, sweetheart. A male veela’s sperm can impregnate anything that could possibly carry a child to term.”

I shifted uncomfortably. “So…I’m a walking sex machine who absolutely has to have sex once a month or I’ll be miserable?”

“…Basically.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Now. Have you felt anything odd lately?”

“Well, I was angry all the time over the summer as you know, and now I want chocolate all the time, and a while ago I tripped Potter and woke up with my ankle hurting, and-”

“That’s enough,” she said, holding up a hand signaling for me to stop. “I know what’s going on now.”

“You do?”

“Yes. He’s emoting to you.”


“You’re feeling some of what he feels. He probably loves chocolate-that would explain the cravings. And pain and anger are both strong emotions, so it would be easy for even a recent veela to pick up on them.”

“What do you mean, ‘recent veela’?”

“Veela don’t exhibit all of their characteristics until they come of age. And they don’t usually have any of the feelings you’ve described until their mate is also of age. Which would be why you didn’t feel anything until this summer.”

“So you’re saying I’m stuck with Potter. Forever.”

“If you’re fortunate enough to convince him to be with you, yes. Otherwise you’ll pine for him until you die of heartbreak.”

“That’s great news, thanks, mum. I’m destined to be with a bloody Gryffindor that I hate.” I winced at the words; it pained me to say them.

“Remember, Draco, that many times the people others pick on are often those they want the most.”

I sighed, relaxing back into my pillows. “Well…fuck.”

“Watch your language, young man.”

I blushed. “Sorry, mum.”

We sat in silence for a while, and then she leaned forward, brushing my hair from my face and kissing my forehead. “I have to go, love, but owl me if you have any more questions, yeah?” She stood, smiling. I took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Thanks, mum. I love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie,” she replied, squeezing my hand back before walking out the door. I sighed again and rubbed my eyes.

“Potter is my mate…Merlin save us.” With that, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off into dreams of the two of us together.

[Other Chapters] One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven
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