Title: Just Chill
Pairings: R/Hr, H/D
Notes: ~1350 words
Summary: After HBP, the characters discuss what to do before book 7
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling
Just Chill
"One last golden day of peace, my arse," said Ron. "Odds are I'll be off in some wet story with Pansy before you can say blood-sucking bugbear."
Hermione leafed through a stack of parchments. "No," she smiled, "give it about a week. You're stuck being thick and blundering for the next few days. That shouldn't be too much of a stretch."
"Oh, ha ha," Ron answered. "You'll be in the dungeons, will you?"
Hermione looked down quickly, and Ron was immediately apologetic. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I'm an idiot. Don't be sore, will you? Let's enjoy this 'last golden day'."
Hermione rolled her eyes, but nodded and managed a small smile. Ron was right; this time was too precious to waste arguing. Harry closed his eyes, feeling the sun on his face. The three were lying by the lake after Dumbledore's funeral, numb from the events of the year.
As usual, Hermione was the one to bring them back to work. "Well," she said, "we have the itinerary for the next few weeks. Ron, like I said, you're mostly just moping about with us being annoying." Hermione looked up and smiled to show that she hadn't written any of it. Ron just waved her on. "Except you have one passionate reconciliation with Lavender." Hermione glanced sharply at Ron to see his reaction, and relaxed when he made gagging faces at Harry.
Harry laughed. "I don't know, Ron, she's a pretty girl, isn't she? What's not to like?" Ron's ears turned red. He glared at Harry, rolled over onto his stomach, and muttered something about "his type". Hermione smiled, and read on. She blushed and said quickly: "Andthereareafewfirsttimestorieswithme."
Harry smirked. "What was that, Hermione? I didn't quite catch that last bit." It was Hermione's turn to glare at him, but Harry just chuckled.
"Right!" continued Hermione, "Well it looks like you, Harry, should be investing in lubrication stock. And possibly...diapers?"
"Let me see that!" Harry took the parchments, and turned to quite a long list of names. "Done him, done him, done her, Fenrir! What kind of sick idea is that? Oh, your dad's on the list this time, Ron. That completes my Weasley set - only two years after you, Hermione. I can never thank the twins enough for those Patented Daydream Charms. Closing my eyes and thinking of England was getting tired... What are the diapers for?"
"I believe they call it Imp Rag, honeybunch," came a familiar drawling voice. The three sat up as Draco joined them. He threw himself down and lounged elegantly on the grass, deliberately invading Harry's personal space. Harry didn't comment. "Did you miss me this year, Hero?" Draco asked. "I hope that you won't hold the last few days against me. You'll notice that I didn't actually kill the old wrinkly in the end." He nodded briefly at Hermione and Ron. "Mudblood, Sidekick," he said, acknowledging them.
"Bastard," replied Ron, through gritted teeth. Hermione took back the stack of parchments, muttering, "That's not what you'll be calling me tonight." Draco winked at her and rested his head on Harry's leg.
"I have an idea!" said Harry, leaping up. "Ow," said Draco, rubbing his neck. "Good thing that doesn't happen often." Harry looked impatiently at him, "No, I'm serious! Let's just chill."
"Chill?" repeated Ron. "But it's a warm golden day, remember?"
Draco glanced at Hermione, who was speechless. "Right, Potter. In English, for those of us without the benefit of a Muggle upbringing?"
"I don't think we should do any of this stuff," he said, pointing at Hermione's parchments.
"Um, that's, uh," sputtered Hermione, and looked at Ron for support.
"But, you know, You-Know-Who, and all," Ron petered out.
Harry's eyes were shining as he paced in front of them. "It's brilliant," he said. "Hermione, we don't have to do anything for a few years, right? I mean, contractually?"
"Well - " she started.
"If you read the fine print," Harry had stopped, facing Hermione and gesturing wildly. "It's just assumed, but legally nothing's binding until two years from now."
"But - " Hermione tried again.
"And if we did all that stuff it would all be wiped out in two years anyway. Who knows, we might even have to go back and redo it so that it fits in with the way things turn out. No, I say we just chill out. Go to the beach. Play some Quidditch. Do some light reading, Hermione."
Draco looked thoughtful, but Ron was obviously won over. "He's got a point, Hermione. Remember all that stuff we ran around doing in the two years between fifth and sixth years? I mean, you got really close to that Blaise girl, and now she's just gone! And you know how many times your parents, well..."
Harry continued, "And everything that Ron's family had to go through, and all that fighting we did with the ministry, not to mention the children we've all had. And I know that we're not supposed to talk about it, but that whole thing with Snape - "
"Enough!" Hermione cut him off. "But Harry, what about the horcruxes, and Godric's Hollow, and the Dursleys'? At least let's go to the Dursleys' - you know that's what Professor Dumbledore would have wanted."
Harry groaned, but he could tell that Hermione was giving in. "I'm telling you, nothing matters for the next two years. We could go to Bulgaria for all the difference it would make."
Ron looked anxious. "But we wouldn't, right Hermione?" he asked. "Have you, uh, ever been?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Ron. I thought we were past that."
It seemed as if they were going to settle into a familiar fight, but instead of raising his voice, Ron lowered it. "You're right, Hermione. Can I please see those?" He pointed at the parchments.
Hermione was surprised at this change of tack. "Of course." She handed them over and studied Ron's face as he looked at them. His ears were bright red, but he seemed to have found the parchment that he wanted. He took a deep breath and passed it to her. "This is it. This is what I think we should do." Hermione looked at the scenario and her cheeks flushed to match Ron's ears. Her body was shaking, but her voice was firm as she looked into Ron's worried eyes. "Yes. Oh, yes," she said. The two stood up as if in a dream, and walked away without a word to Harry or Draco. After a few steps, Hermione took Ron's hand.
"Bollocks, I owe Pansy three Galleons," said Draco. "I thought Granger was going to have to hex some sense into him."
Harry shut his mouth and sat back down. Draco fixed him with a look. "So how's your One True Love?" he asked.
"If you mean Ginny," Harry replied, coldly. "She's fine." He paused, and studied his thumbnail. "I, uh, don't think we'll be seeing much of each other. For the next two years." Harry looked up at the sky and sucked in his cheeks. Draco suppressed a grin.
"Shame," he said. There was a pause. Suddenly Harry leapt on Draco, yelling and laughing. Draco grabbed him and shifted his weight, and soon the boys landed with a splash in the lake. They both scrambled to their knees, chest-deep in water, facing each other and breathing heavily. Harry reached out and Draco copied the motion, their hands meeting between them as if in a mirror. "Harry," said Draco, "I'm truly sorry about Professor Dumbledore."
"I know," said Harry, but he looked away.
"No, I'm serious," said Draco. "I know that he was important to you."
This time Harry met Draco's eyes. "I know," he repeated. "What about you, do you have plans for the next two years?"
"Oh," said Draco with a smirk, "I'm sure Hermione could find us an interesting parchment or two..."
"Villain," taunted Harry, and tried to dunk him. "Hero," replied Draco with a grin, and pulled a laughing Harry back down into the lake.