Sep 18, 2004 18:05
rachel here, im at tracis again tryin to type my ting in white
font and seein how good i am at spelling lol. but yea so i havnet
really been updating this bc i cant do it at home but this is y i do it
at tracis all the time....i dont even know how to write in herebc i
dont reallly know how to talk to a journal...i'll just talk to u guys
that are reeading this....
Hey beck love ya girl u did a good job cheerin last nite but yea me an
traci were just alkin about what u guys sorta talked about last
nite..adn i agree w/ bot of ya and we all need to hang out more
bu it kinda sux w/ the woole sportsing but hey we'll make it
work...wanna go to hoome coming w/ me and traci\?? lol she just asked
me to be he i said yes!! and u can come too we/'ll have a POW but anywa traci u didngood too last nite im at your house
thanks fo rlettin me do this thing here all ywa;l can post a comment if
u'd like..idk when i'''ll be able to check it..but hey..oh well lol
taraci will let me know what they say she knows more a oubt my live
journal then i do! lol well the satae game is on today and my mom
fridnsa are coming ovre so i might have to go home and babysit but if
not ..idk what i'll do ..scott and amanda are watchin th game at scotts
and they asked me to go over i might do that if its not too
late...but yea that should be fcun idk..they are going back out
again..but they both seem really happy so i cant complain;\\\0 thats
good..and just for the record i am not lesbian lol just bc i said i
didnt need boys anymore....lolwell idk how long this is but raci is
being crazy singing JESSIS girl and dancin and tellin me all about last
nnite when her and jes saw joe in the parking lot..but ive been writing
for a long time so im gonna go...
-LIke a belly button--im outtie~.....oh and just remember im not drunk
or anything...i just cant really see waht im typing bc i didnt it in
white...u guys should ty it just wonce on the comments or
something..its but i''ll tyall later...--------PEACH