Dec 14, 2004 20:40
Finally figured out a way to make this thing work @ my house!!! yay!!!
Its been soolong.....but could be considered a bad start it all off..on the way to school after getting it fixed jsut yesterday...i got a flat tire!!again...this is the 5th time in at least 2 weeks...its really starting to get car needs to learn its anyway that wasnt too bad ..but today was also progress reports and grrrrr Gov't didnt turnout at ALL how i wanted it to. idk what im goin to do aabout it in trouble tho i can tell ya that...
anway--then on to pract...idk if its bc im sick or what but it seemed to go on just forever today..not to mention was frustrating as whoa...Schram was in one of his "moods" and made a few girls cry but ...its probly just gonna help us in the long run...but BOY its SOOO frustrating sometimes when u dont know where to go or waht to do..or u know but somehow somewhere your body just isnt doing what u know how..or waht u want it too...i just hope we're ready for Saturdya!!! what am i saying..we will be!! VOLLEY BALL IS AWESOME!
Boys--i just dunno anymore about them..certain ones are esp frustrating at times and esp idk dealing w/ friends too...Traci i feel for ya girl..i dont know waht i'd do either
Friends-- i love u all..all of u..every single one of u...
Ever heard of the girl scout song:
"Make new friends but keep thee old...
One is Silver and the others' Gold."
i know it sounds corny but i like it, and im gonna try to stick to it
Sarah--i love ya..and i know a ton of stuff has happend, and we've gone our separate ways (for how long, idk and how it happend idk) but i'll never forget u and all the fun we've had together (soo many memories: -yer freakin me out, that was uncalled for!-blubari-Portage Lake-Sleepovers-Allen!! in super low voice..haha- anway those are a bite of all the ones we've had)--
Beck--Im soo glad yer back into the swing of Volleyball!!
Midge--i love it!! i just love the stars..sooo cute! i'd get one if my parents would let me, sorta liek a friendship thingy..haha idk ..yea right!! i dont think i'd be able to withstand the pain..haha itd be pretty sweet tho if we all got something the same to always remember ea. otehr by!! think about it.
I'm not going out w/ aaron and i dont like him like that either...hes such a good friend and is my BFic...long story..well not really lol anway i had to put that in there for a certain someone to read but i totally didnt mean to start anything...
I'm super tired and about to go make some cookies, or at least eat the dough, and kinda bored ( my rents wouldnt let me go to the game tonite...grr..but on a good not I GOT mY CAR BACK!!lol so its all good, im happy) u guys better let me know how they did tho!!
Nitey nite--