01/13. aftermath.

Aug 31, 2010 15:59

[ off the network ]

FOLDER: /Sculpture083010/
201bk and havoc at the gate - lifesize.JPG
april - payment - lifesize.JPG
july - lifesize.JPG
april july november - to scale.JPG
kirihara misaki with gun - lifesize.JPG


On second thought, best destroy the camera's microcard as well.

[The scene: one spacious apartment thoroughly sodden with the half-melted remains of yesterday's artistic frenzy. The heat is on to dry it, the windows are all open, and there are fans on as well. The occupant: one intensely displeased November 11 with a lot of payment to make.

Hence, text. Not voice. Too much risk of revealing just how frustrated he is through voice.

Certainly not video.]

[ text ]

The ticking is one matter. Being left to one's own devices during a curse is another.

Shall we get to the point?

I'm looking for two things in a roommate. One, don't smoke indoors. Two, be capable of disabling me without lasting harm should I start doing something absurd thanks to a curse.

Oh, yes. I'd also appreciate discretion.

curses, aftermath

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