
Dec 12, 2008 01:55

一期一会 : Once in a life time opportunity

When we are born, it is already destined that we will die. Some sooner, some later, but we all face a certain death.

If you think about it, we, human beings, are not that different from the canned food we see on supermarket shelves -- We all come with an expiry date.

Perhaps it is just that for most of us, the expiry dates often seems so far away that it often feels that we have no expiry dates.

I have heard the phrase "Live each day as your last" so many times, and felt it was really meaningful, but it is only today that I strongly feel that I did not fully and perhaps still do not fully understand the phrase's underlying meaning.

Under what circumstances was the phrase written? Did the author not have a chance to do something when he/she was younger? Was he/she was thinking of the 'what ifs' and was perhaps regretting something at that moment? Did he/she know that he/she is not going to live long, and was cruelly forced to face his/her expiry date? How was he/she feeling when he/she penned this phrase down?

Up till this moment, I have never really thought about all these.

Recently I have also wondered, how is it to live knowing that you only have a limited time left on earth. Those old folks who know that they will be gone in a few years time, how do they feel? How are they able to live each day as they always have?

Each second that passes is a unique second that will never pass us again. Do I really want to be doing that the things which I am doing at that second? Every second which I have is a once in a life time opportunity, is it not? Is one second in our lives really insignificant? When does it become significant then?

How many such seconds have I wasted? How many regrets have I accumulated? How many moments have I spent doing something which I don't think is worth my while?

It's kind of depressing to think about all these.

While I don't think it would be possible for me not to waste any of those precious moments... because in a way, sometimes we can't foretell the impact which our current action may have on our future actions...

But I am going to try to live life doing what I want to do happily anyways.
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