Mar 14, 2004 20:39
Really those are the key to my heart. I was tempted to tell that to Chip as we left the apartment this evening, but I figured that is something he can figure out on his own. So I saw the Cheasapeak Bay for the first time yesterday. It was beautiful, strangly not really what I thought it would look like. We drove on a bridge that spans from one side of Maryland to the other to get to the venue where .heretoday. was playing. At first it scared me shitless, I mean this was one big bridge. But the longer it went on the more comfortable I grew with it. I suppose thats how it is with everything though. I think this weekend was good for me. I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked to. But I spent time with Chip and I think that was something I needed. Orchestra concert weeks wear on me. Plus having tests and other such goings on was a bit much for me. It was nice just to go on a long drive with Chip, Bryan and John. I figured out how to get in all my practicum hours for the semester. Now I just need to come up with some sort of lesson plan to teach. Within the next few weeks I have 2 observations, one lesson plan, a catalog of a roman lamp, an edu acess report on lee hall, an edu midterm, an art history midterm, a certamen in fairfax, along with a panal presentation on Elegic Mistresses. Somehow it doesn't seem like a lot, but some of those are huge projects or tests I've been working on for a long while now. Espeically that freaking cataloging, I have no real idea how to do that. Speaking of which I need to waste film like whoa. Speaking of which I need to get going with this work!