Call Of The Thunder (Chapter 4)

Nov 13, 2013 20:17

One very impatient captain found himself on this particular evening standing on a quiet street corner, leaning against a street lamp, wearing his usual trademark scowl. Running a petit hand through his white hair, the tiny captain let out a small sigh, wondering where on Earth the firey subsitute who had so captured is heart had gotten to. With a weary shake of his head, Hitsugaya resumed his stance, leaning against the metal pole. He couldn't be angry with the oranged crowned teen, as much as he wanted to be. Ichigo had, more or less, bent over backwards to accomodate the snow crowned shinigami and Hitsugaya was extremely grateful for him doing so. A tiny smile tugged at the captain's lips as his thoughts wandered - as they oh so often do - to the firey teen. The first time the captain realised he was in love with Ichigo, he had been in the bath. It had been one of those rare occasions when the captain allowed himself to relax in the evenings - as opposed to the stress filled ones he usually had that usually had something to do with paperwork, captains meetings, his lieutenant or (if it was a particularly bad day) all three. As the hot water surrounded his small frame, the snow crowned boy couldn't help but liken it to the infalliable heat on one Kurosaki Ichigo. His thoughts had wandered to the way the teen held him, how his lips had kissed his, the feeling of his toned chest and strong heart beating just inches away from his face and his soft, ever-caring smile that made the snowy boy's heart stutter... Before Hitsugaya knew it, heat swelled in his chest and - most disconcertingly - in his groin. At first, the captain had been left feeling so scared and so vulnerable he wanted nothing more than to run to his bedroom and hide under the covers, never to come out. Yet, as the days went on, he found himself less and less scared by the onslaught and depth of his emotions regarding one orange haired idiot. These feeling were much more intense and meaningful than the ones he had for Kusaka, because the fridgid captain knew that the substitute shared the same deep, intense feelings for him. Never in his life had the captain felt loved or cherished, and - in all honesty - it was something that he was terrified of loosing. The feeling of being safe and the knowledge that there was someone who would always, take his side no matter what, was a very new sensation, but one that the tiny boy didn't know how he lived without. He could count on Ichigo to rescue him, to catch him when he fell, to be his shoulder to cry on, to be strong for him when he was weak and to love him if the rest on the world turned against him. Hitsugaya knew that the position he was in left his incredibly vulnerable and open, but the thought of life without his firey teen was terrifying enough to erradicate any doubt, any second thoughts he may have had in an instant.


Teal eyes snapped up to see his lover bounding towards him, Hitsugaya's favourite crooked smile on the tanned visage.

"Hey..." Ichigo whispered breathlessly once he reached the captain, dipping down for a kiss. "How you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure, Toush? Last time a I saw you, the paperwork piles were nearly as tall as you."

The frosty captain let out a small chuckle as the firey teen grinned at him.

"It's fine. I finished them the same day you left."

"Che... You mean the same afternoon, evening, night and early morning after I left, right?"

"It's the same thing."

"No, it's not. Honestly, Toshiro, you look shattered. You sure you wanna catch a movie tonight?"

In all truth, Toshiro was feeling exhausted. In anticipation of taking the weekend off he had stayed up for nearly two days solid preparing the division and doing the paperwork that he knew his lieutenant would be able to skilfully ignore, even if she tripped over the pile of work. He didn't really want to see the movie, but when he had suggested a cinema date to his firey lover, the hazelnut eyes all but sparkled with excitement, the substitute exclaiming how it had 'been ages' since he had gone to the movies. And the almost shy yet genuine excitement was something the captain categorically did not want to put a damper on.

"You worry about me too much. I'm fine." the snowy boy repremanded softly, feeling himself relax in the presence of his firey yet gentle lover.

"You sure?" Chocolate eyes swirling with a mixture of concern and adoration.

"Yes. Now, let's go, unless you plan to miss the first half of the movie."

Less than five minutes later, Hitsugaya found himself standing in the line next to the orange crowned teen. The cinema was small and there weren't many people there - the only other people being the box office staff and the couple ahead on them in the line. There was a calm atmosphere about the frosty captain and he was feeling atypically relaxed - something which he knew had everything to do with the man standing beside him. Ichigo was currently humming some inane tune, bouncing on his heels, his hands stuffed in his pockets. There was a subtle smile on his face and he too was looking relaxed: his eyebrows were smoothed out, the corners of his lips turned upwards ever so slightly. Chocolate eyes caught the cerulean ones looking at him and the teen flashed the captain a loving smile, a tanned hand coming up to rub the small of the boy's back. Hitsugaya let out a contented sigh and leaned against the toned chest, the callused hand sliding from the small of his back to his waist, pulling the tiny captain closer. There was an adoring peck that landed on the white tuft and the fridgid captain couldn't stop the diminutive smile that tugged at his lips.

"You okay?"

"Mmm..." was the only response the frosty boy gave, leaning a little more against Ichigo's warm body. He only stayed there for a few seconds because - as cruel fate would have it - the couple in front had sorted out their tickets and it was their turn. The diminuitive captain let his firey lover do the talking - being of a more sociable nature than him. Hitsugaya was starting to regret not taking his lover up on the offer of skipping the movie; it was getting increasingly more arduous to keep his eyes open and his legs from giving out. The usually unobservant teen suprised the captain slightly when he seemed to notice this as slipped his arm round his waist, supporting a significant amount of the captain's weight. Hitsugaya had to admit that he was somewhat impressed when the firey teen managed to skilfully take out his wallet, extract the cash and recieve the tickets all one handed. With a gentle nudge, Ichigo helped his small lover in the right direction, remaining a step behind him as they travelled up the stairs, should the frosty captain's legs give way. The firey teen was beginning to regret bringing his lover here, when the boy clearly was in dire need of rest. In the dim light of twilight, the subtle signs of exhaustion that the tiny boy hid so well, weren't as promenent; whereas, now, in a fully lit cinema the true state of the snow crowned captain was in plain sight, clear for all - though, more specifically, one substitute shinigami - to see.

When they reached the theatre, they found their seats and settled down as the movie was about to start. There didn't look like there were going to be many people as there were dozens of empty seats - it had been a good idea to come on a weekday as most people were at school or work. As the movie started, the frosty captain rubbed his cheek against Ichigo's shoulder. The firey teen understood the unspoken message and lifted his arm up draping it across the slim waist, allowing the tiny boy to lean against his chest, soaking up the offered warmth.

About ten minutes into the movie, the boy was fast asleep, his tiny hand curled limply in the 'V' of the teen's jumper. Chocolate eyes watched the dozing boy for an instant, wrapping his other arm round the captain, protecting his slumber within the sturdy walls of his embrace. Honestly, Ichigo didn't really think that his tiny lover would have enjoyed the movie - mostly because he wouldn't have caught most of the human slang or have understood the state-of-the-art technology used in it. And the teen knew that he had only come because it had been something Ichigo had wanted to do - and the firey teen was very grateful for that. The tiny captain may not be generous with his affection or show his love using words, but it was the small, seemingly insignificant actions such as these which showed the teen that the tiny boy in his arms loved him with just as strong a fire as Ichigo felt for the captain. And it was these actions that had the subtitute falling further in love with the fridgid captain. A soft kiss was planted on the unmoving white mop of hair, before the hazelnut eyes returned to the movie, and - once again- the substitute was enthralled by the scenes unravelling on the screen in front of him.

"Toshiro... Toush, wake up..."

The tiny captain moaned and tried to roll away from the unmistakable voice gently stimulating his hearing. A callused hand gently stroked his cheek and a loving kiss landed on his forehead.

"You slept through the whole movie Toshiro, c'mon..."

Teal eyes snapped open... He hadn't slept through it all, had he? But, lo and behold, the credits were rolling and the lights had gone up, illuninating the whole theatre.


"Don't be stupid, Toush. It's hardly your fault. Now, c'mon, let's go home. Tired, right?"

Another kiss landed ontop the white tuft as the captain was gently lifted to his feet. The pair exited the cinema and walked towards Ichigo's appartment. Once inside the apartment building, the teen scooped the captain up and started running up the stairs, all the while raining butterfly kisses over the frosty captains face and neck. Every once in a while, the teen would nearly loose his foot and Hitsugaya would reprimand him for not watching where he was going. The firey teen would just grin and pull the tiny boy into a passionate kiss, silencing any tellings-off that were on the tip of the captain's tounge. By the time the two reached the substitute's apartment, their bodies were practially humming in anticipation of what was to come. After a rather awkward opening of the front door, the teen all but ran to the bedroom, cradling his warm bundle all the while...
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