Call Of The Thunder (Chapter 3)

Nov 13, 2013 20:16

They stayed like this for a while, simply enjoying each other's warmth. Guilt welled up inside the captain as his words came rushing back to him:


He couldn't believe that he had actually said that to the man who had been there for him and helped him through what was surely one of the darkest periods of his life.


'Yeah, what's up?'

'I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mpff - ' Teal eyes widened as the fiery teen pressed his lips to him, locking him in a soft kiss.

'Shush… There's no need to apologise.' He said, his face just inches away from the small captain's, their breath mingling seductively. Ichigo chuckled quietly.

'Do you see now why I wasn't scared of you?'

'Y-You're like me?!' Stammered the small captain, looking utterly shell shocked.

'Well, yes, I suppose so. Quite a few people are, especially in the world of the living. In fact, it's pretty much accepted now.'

The frosty captain couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. Ichigo, the Ichigo Kurosaki, the man he had been slowly falling in love with, was returning his love. Something about that made the captain feel warm inside, in a different kind of way that Kusaka had.

With Kusaka, they had loved each other, however, Toshiro knew that deep down, Kusaka would never lay his life on the line for the snow crowned boy. Toshiro, on the other hand, would have impaled himself on a red-hot zanpaktou for the man.

With Ichigo, the frosty captain had no doubts. The fiery substitute nearly had, a number of times, died for the people he cared for. That was the kind of love that the strong yet fragile captain knew he needed - not that he'd ever say that out loud. Secretly, he was thanking whatever divine influence had intervened and crossed his path with the orange crowned teen. Despite all this, he didn't actually know if Ichigo had meant anything by the kiss, or if it was just a way of soothing the captain, letting him know he's not on his own…

'What happens now?' the captain mumbled.

'Hmm… What do you mean?' the teen asked in a confused yet somehow endearing tone.

'Well, d-did that kiss actually mean anything to you?' the captain asked, trying to ignore the blush that was creeping up his face.

'What? I swear for a genius, you're pretty damn stupid! Of course I did… Oh Toshiro, I've slowly been falling for you since the day we met. Why do you think that all those times you put me down or shoved me away, I kept on coming back, kept on talking to you? Jesus Christ, and you call me an idiot…'

Suddenly, the captain grabbed the front of Ichigo's Shihakushō, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. Two tongues swirled around each other, battling for dominance. Ichigo gently nibbled on the captain's lower lip, eliciting a moan from him. They broke apart, red-cheeked and breathless.

'How's about dinner tomorrow night? My shout.' Ichigo asked, a warm smile on his face.

'Yeah… I'd like that…' the small captain replied, unable to keep a small smile flitting across his features. Ichigo bent down and pecked the small captain on the cheek.

'Until tomorrow then' he said, before flash-stepping out of the office.

'Yeah… Tomorrow…'
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