Feb 15, 2007 11:18
"I bet when the neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying, "Don't forget the thick, heavy brows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky brows too, and they'd get mad and eat the snowman."
-Jack Handy
For some odd reason, this morning, I have had nothing but funny poems/quotes buzzing around my head today. Who knows? Maybe it's like I said in my first post, my way of dealing with the bummed-ness that happens with me once in a while? Anyways, I could not focus at all in REL 334 today. He was discussing the concept of Nirvana (essentially, it violates whatever religious belief you have because it is not a time/place/location/etc, but rather a concept of though). Hmmm, I actually remembered that, I guess I did pay attention to some part of the lecture...lol.
So, is it just me, or do people seem abnormally grumpy today? You see, I was walking back from REL 334, and there was a huge slew of people. Being who I am, I tried to weave between them, and say excuse me and such whenever it was necessary; however, it seemed like everyone was just blatantly pissed of at the fact that I weaved between them/bumped them. Wow, why the bad day I wonder for them? Is it because of the whole Valentine's/Post Valentine's day block that brings you hope, then brings you right back down? I dont know, it just seemed like they were absolutely pissed about something. I was not the only one that seemed to get the 'evil eye' if you were. One of my friends, who is in the same class, was given the same snarls and glares that I got as well...WTF? WTF AGAIN!? I felt like saying it twice. Well, those are my thoughts on people today so far. Tired/Angered/Beat Down/Whatever they are, they just seemed to be having a rough day so far.
Now, I was just as bummed out as the next person about the day in general, but it just seems to me that 'So, you spent Valentine's with your friends instead of whoever you could find (or those with GF or BF them)' 'Good for you, its nice to have somebody to spend the day with'; however, it is not necessary in my opinion to be bitter towards others today because of the fact that (if it is even this reason), the day of St. Valentine.
Anyways, back to my random thoughts on funny stuff today. For some odd reason, I was sitting in class, and I decided..."I dont like Superman." After much deliberation, I have made a list of facts on why I would PWN Superman, if he was real and not a fictional character(also, my minor vendetta is only againt the cartoon SUPERman)...lol:
1)He has the nerve to call himself SUPERman. I mean, c'mon. That isnt narcissm at all is it?
2)He wears his underwear outside of his tights. Doug Funny can pull it off, not you SUPERman. Now, you may have come up with the concept first for people to focus on your goodies by wearing red underwear on the outside. But, it was Doug that made the wearing of underwear outside of his clothes classy.
3)He cant decide who he wants to be. Clark Kent/SUPERman/Clark Kent/SUPERman. And, to be completely honest, the only switch he would make would be his glasses. Now, if SUPERman/Clark Kent/Whoever he is were to lose his glasses. Would everyone find out his secret identity? That is something I should look into..hmmm.
4)He is totally cocky about his abilities. Sure, your name is SUPERman, but that does not mean you have to show everyone up by jumping buildings in single bound, or demonstrates being faster than a speeding bullet. Speaking of fast, it always made me wonder. If SUPERman had all these abilities, I think he may lack in other departments, if you know what I mean. Think about it, people on the 'roids' for example have problems with their buddies, mostly in the form of shrinkage and impotence. If SUPERman is drawing attention to his stuffed bulge that he proudly displays the public, and trys to show up the common man by jumping buildings and such in a single bound. I think he may be overcompensating for something. I dont hate SUPERman because of that, I just felt it needed to be mentioned.
---and, I leave you with this---
I should totally invest in a Kryptonite cross. I was thinking this over, and if SUPERman were to find a way to attack me, and if by the off chance he turned into a vampire for some reason. I would cover both bases and I would be good.
Okay, I am done being random...time to eat. Adios.
--------------------------------quick update--------------------------------------------------
I got a B+ on a exam I didnt even know all that much about. I actually did really well, its just very tricky true/falses got the best of me...damn T/F..llol.