I actually finished this yesterday, but that was early in the a.m., so I went to bed instead of taking pictures in the pitch dark. (Yay!) So, after waking, then laundering the blanket, I took some pictures. (And then I fled to play Mansions of Madness, so I didn't show them off.)
I had to shoo Lincoln away because he kept sitting on this, but darn it, his butt is still in the shot! Sadly, this was the best picture I had of the quilt, so you get to deal with Lincoln butt. Sigh.
All of my great plans for quilting the three layers together were foiled, so I went back to the idea to tie them together with yarn. Here's a shot of what the back looks like. I used yellow yarn for the grass portion of the quilt (since I didn't have green yarn on hand), and blue for the top. And Ralph, because Ralph also wanted his turn on the quilt. Also, he wanted to eat the yarn. Double sigh!
One more sewing project complete! Tonight after work, I need to get serious about sewing up a manticore and some special baby gifts...and to get to bed before 3 a.m.!