Title: Setting Sun, Rising Moon (part 6 of 12)
Rating: PG for this chapter
Word Count: 4,036
Summary: Half a century ago, Ichigo became a substitute shinigami while he was still alive. At the end of that life, it's time to become the real thing, but with death comes unexpected challenges-not the least of which is that presented by seeing Rukia again for the first time in years.
Chapter six: On tactical movements, revisiting past triumphs and forging new relationships with old friends.
Spoilers: Assumes knowledge of all characters and events leading up to the winter war, but as this takes place in the future, historical references are largely creative inventions.
Many thanks to
hallowd for stepping up to the plate with asskicking beta this chapter, along with the stupendous
raynos and
utenatai, who never fail to be awesome.
To chapter one To chapter two To chapter three To chapter four To chapter five (
It was taking nearly all that spirit energy to keep herself from falling asleep from sheer boredom. )