(no subject)

Aug 26, 2007 21:09

Damn, summer's almost over and I haven't made any money...

I was initially planning to get a job so that I could save up enough to pay my way through an extra singing lesson a week, but I couldn't find anything :[! Now I'm stuck trying to convince my mom to agree, but that's almost pointless. She's gone into "college-saving!mode" which means she's even worse about saving up that usual -.-;

My teacher told me that she knew (or was it heard of?) a girl who won a competition or something like that and got a scholarship to Columbia [aka where I want to go]. So I'm trying to use that for my advantage, but there's still thatt "what if you don't win?!" factor. Even if I don't win, it's only about $1560, ten times of which is not even enough to cover one year's tuition. So it's a win and lot/lose a little situation. :/

Speaking of singing, we're doing Mein Herr Marquis at the moment, and I totally don't get trills. We're not really focusing on them, so I've been trying to figure them out myself, but I've had very little luck. Hopefully they're one of those things that "come with time". Other than that, I have problems with placing the G5's and A5's and the D6 at the end. I just don't have enough energy to put all that "oomph" in it! I'm suppposed to crecendo and them go down to the the F5 that ends the aria (which always comes out funny D: ). But whenever I start it and them crecendo, it comes out without any of the "oomph" it's supposed to have :/.

In other news, I started the Doll Song, though it was completely random. I just mentioned to my teacher how sometimes I sing things that are too hard for me for practice (though I don't strain too hard) and I happened to have the sheet music for it on me so she said we'd try it. Since I've been "practicing" it for a while, it's not that bad...but that placement issue with the A5's comes up, of course. Then there's the Eb6 at the end x.X;;;

I'm actually looking forward to going back to school. I get to have chorus :D!!!! My friend's going, too. She didn't try out for Chamber, 'cause our teacher just said he has to voice test her. Last time she was in chorus, they put her in alto for some reason, but my teacher said before she was a soprano. Then again, she had a different (and worse) teacher then, so that was probably his fault.

Agh, I have to start my summer reading XD;. Technically, the assignment's not due until the 17th, but I really should start reading. The pair of books I picked is on adultry and suicide, so I thought it'd be interesting. But when I started, it was so boring I can understand why the genre is suicide...

Grr. Literature :P.


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You're a Slytherdor! You are a natural leader and have the personality to back it up. Often people are hesitant to approach you because they feel that you will reject them. You have a bit of a temper but most of the time you're able to keep it in check; however when you are really pissed off, people better watch out. In your life you have a lot of things you want to accomplish, whether it's for yourself or another cause. You can be determined in trying to pursue this goal but your morals are too steady to allow you to be absolutely ruthless. You don't let many people know this, but you actually like the idea of chivalry (but you try to keep this buried) and you try to live your life with honor. You don't back away from tough decisions. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be arrogant, you forget about the 'lesser people' and this leads you to underestimate your opponents. With the charisma of a Gryffindor and the ambition of a Slytherin you can be great in life!
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two lessons a week, d6, placement, summer reading, singing lessons, competitions, summer job, the dolls song, school, chorus, mein herr marquis, college tuition, singing, trilling

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