The Harry Potter Book 7!Entry (FINALLY!)

Aug 24, 2007 00:52

So I finished HP7 weeks ago...

This has to be the AWESOMEST one of all the seven, even if it is the most depressing ;.;!

I'm still in awe of her pwnsome plotting skills... WOW. There will NEVER be a series as well thought-out and interesting and intricate and AWESOME ;.;!

Anyway, my commentary on the book:

OMG I can't believe she killed Hedwig! Why?! XD!!! Hedwig was cool.

And FRED~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111 I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I mean, WHAT'S GEORGE GONNA DO?!

I saw it coming that she was gonna kill Lupin and Tonks, though. As soon as I read Lupin being all happy after Tonks had the baby, I was like, "Yeah. That's not gonna last very long. Curse, you JK~ :_;!

The whole thing with the Elder Wand uber-confoozed me, but I get it now...mostly... Although if that didn't drive me crazy, her writing would. WHAT is with all of the semicolons and colons? I had to read each of those mile-long sentences three times just to understand them X.x!! I've been re-reading the series (and I'm up to Chamber of Secrets so far) and she barely does that in the beginning.

I don't think any book has ever made me cry so hard. I cried a little when Dobby died, I cried when Fred died, I BAWLED when I read about the Weasleys standing around Fred's body and mourning him, and then of course there's chapters 33 and 34.

HOW could she put those two next to each other? I was mush by the end of 33, and then 34...omg. It was 3:30 AM and I was trying and failing not to sob so I wouldn't wake the house XD! I really believe Harry was going to die! Well...almost. The remaining hundred pages sort of gave away that he was gonna live...unless of course they gave him a super-elaborate funeral... But, in any case, when Harry turned to Lily's ghost/spirit/not-exactly-existant body and said, "Stay close to me," I just lot it XD;;

You know, strangely enough I wasn't as surprised as I think I should have been over the whole "Snape loved Lily" thing. It really fits, doesn't it? I think part of the reason might be that I was reading rumors about the 6th and 7th books shortly after the 5th book came out, and it said that a big part of Lily's past will be revealed, or something along those lines. In any case, I feel almost as if I were anticipating it or something.

Anyway, Snape/Lily wins the fandom. In the second memory when Lily asked if it mattered that she was muggle-born and he paused and said no, I was like, "FTW, my new OTP." XDD~

It's so sad the way things turned out! If he had abandoned his loser friends and the Dark Arts they definitely would have ended up together. Look, JK said so herself:

"Jaclyn: Did lily ever have feelings back for snape
J.K. Rowling: Yes. She might even have grown to love him romantically (she certainly loved him as a friend) if he had not loved Dark Magic so much, and been drawn to such loathsome people and acts."

But then Harry would never have been born and we wouldn't have this series... :'[

So, the Epilogue…

I really don’t get what people are so upset about. After reading 36 chapters of death, pain, loss, and angst, I was happy to have like 8 pages of fluff. Sure, it was kinda reminiscent of fanfiction, but she wanted us to understand that there’s no more of that. What’s wrong with that :[? Maybe I’m just being unsympathetic since I got my pairings (I started shipping Harry/Ginny after the 5th book and I’ve always liked Ron/Hermione ;D) when other people ship stuff like Draco/Hermione or Draco/Harry and etc… But, come on, they have to know that those aren’t even remotely canon.

While I’m on the topic of HP, I saw the 5th movie about a week after it came out…

I’ve been re-watching the movies lately, and I have some complaints:
1. I understand that they can’t include every single detail and they have to change some things, but sometimes they really go too far. Like, in the 5th movie, they totally screwed up the whole thing with Cho. In the book, the relationship between her and Harry fell apart because she was totally wrong for him, which he realized after her reaction to his relationship with Hermione and her defense of her friend Marietta who was quite awful.
In the movie, they make her seem like the “bad guy” because she tells on DA, but then it’s revealed that they used veritaserum on her, so she’s actually completely innocent. WTF?! Also, I was really looking forward to the whole seen in Madame Puddifoot’s (or whatever it was called) when she freaks out over Harry having to go see Hermione. But they cut it out! They kiss, they leave in, of course. -.-;
2. They cut out WAY too much. Like, in the 3rd movie, they cut out the Quidditch final. And that was the first time Gryffindor won the cup! Speaking of Quidditch, they seem to have deemed it completely unimportant, because they cut it out of the 5th movie as well, COMPLETELY! What about Ron becoming keeper? What about Ron helping Gryffindor win the cup?! What about Ginny joining the team and replacing Harry as seeker when he and George (and Fred) get kicked off the team for attacking Malfoy? Grr!
They BETTER not cut out ANY Quidditch in the next movie. Otherwise they’ll mess up the whole Harry/Ginny kiss, which I have been looking forward to for a WHILE. :[!
3. The 7th movie better be 7 hours long. Everything is important! They can’t cut ANYTHING out! Especially the whole Snape/Lily chapter. I can so see them cutting it down to like 2/3 memories, though. That would totally ruin in. You know, in the 5th movie they cut Lily out of the memory completely? Geez! She was the main part of the memory! You think JKR would have stepped in and said something :/. I certainly would have. Then again, if I were JKR I’d make them make 7-hour movies for every book, so they wouldn’t cut or change anything.
4. What is up with Emma Watson’s eyebrow!acting XD? Don’t get me wrong, I love her as Hermione, but it’s so annoying how she has to wiggle her eyebrows with every syllable. She doesn’t do that at all when she’s speaking “in real life”, but in the movies…arg.
Speaking of her, I’m a little mad at her for wanting to not be in the 6th and 7th movies so as “not to be remembered as only Hermione”. First of all, that’s completely pointless, b/c even if she did quit the franchise then, she’d it’d be way too late. Second, what the hell! When you enter a series, you have to commit! People get used to seeing/hearing/whatever you as that character, and changing it all of a sudden would be a big blow to them. It’s such a selfish move. I hate when people do that! Celebrities! Ugh! It’s good that she changed her mind. Otherwise I’d be very angry with her D:<
5. What is up with them completely ignoring JKR’s descriptions? WHY does Mr. Weasley have hair?! He’s supposed to be balding! And I find it quite funny that Daniel Radcliffe, though he is wonderful as Harry, has neither “jet-black hair” nor “emerald-green eyes.” Well, in certain lighting his eyes do look kinda green, but eh… Ah in that three-second memory that we saw from the 5th movie, James had brown hair as well…and it was really neat! WTF!
I have a picture of some of the scene which the cut out, and it has Lily in it:

Call me nit-picky, but her hair is totally the wrong color. It’s supposed to be dark red. Not Weasley!red! Sirius and Snape look fine, but James and Lily are completely off, IMO.

Lately I've been reading   
pottersues , which is pretty hilarious. Some of them are quite frightening, though…XD;;; Anyway, if you guys want a laugh, you should check it out.

Okay, that’s all for my ranting XDD.

Here's a Meme:

I stole this from

*winks at her*

Put the books in order from favorite to least favorite:
1. Deathly Hallows 
2. Order of the Phoenix
3. Half Blood Prince
4. Chamber of Secrets
5. Prisoner of Azkaban
6. Goblet of Fire
7. Philosopher's Stone

How many times have you read the series: I've read the first three loads of times, but the last four onle once each ^///^.

Favorite chapter from your favorite book: I'd say the chapter with

5 Favorite Characters: Cliche, but whatever: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred (*CRIES*) and George.

3 Least Favorite Characters: Cho Chang, Umbridge, and Bellatrix.

Favorite member of the Trio: Harry

5 favorite quotes: Don't make me choose!

Favorite family: Weasleys.

Favorite villain: Draco.

Favorite Death Eater: Lucius.

Favorite non-Hogwarts magical building: The Burrow

Favorite Diagon Alley location: Hmm...Gringotts?

Favorite Unforgivable Curse: The Cruciatus Curse for the win!

Biggest surprise: Hmm... All of usage of teh Unforgiveable Curses in the 7th book by Harry and everyone on "that" side.

Biggest letdown: The deaths, Fred's the most, probably.

Favorite kind of transportation: Dis/Apparating

Favorite Weasley: The twins.

Favorite Order member: Tonks.

Favorite class: DADA

Favorite teacher: McGonagall.

Favorite DADA teacher: Lupin.

Least favorite teacher: Umbridge. Boo D:<

How long have you been a HP fan: Probably somewhere between 7.5 - 8 years. I don't remember exactly when we started reading the first book in 4th grade.

Number of midnight releases have you attended: None. My parent's aren't that understanding XD;;;

Favorite HP website: MuggleNet?

Favorite podcast: N/A

Most ridiculous Potter theory you've heard: Hmm. I haven't really trafficked in theories XD; <33

Favorite LJ HP community: 
snevans <333333333

Character you're most like: Hermione, I suppose.

House you think you'd be sorted into: Hmm. I've been thinking about this lately, and I get this feeling I'd be in Slytherin. I've always scoffed at people who were like, "Oh yeah. I'm such an asshole. I'd TOTALLY be in Slytherin >:D!", but I just feel like the traits apply to me know, the whole "ambitious and cunning" thing. I'd like to be in Gryffindor, ;cause that's the "good" house, but I don't really see my self as that brave... My second choice would have to be Ravenclaw. But thought I get good grades and consider myself "smart", I don't think I'm "intellectual enough" for Ravenclaw. I have a few friends who'd be perfect for it, though...

Your patronus would be a: I was just thinking about that. It'd probably be a cat. Maybe a kitten, even :D?

Your boggart would be: Something gory ><...or a huge cockaroach... A HUGE GORY COCKAROACH! *shudder*

Which would you rather see - a sequel or a prequel: Prequel

Put the movies in order from favorite to least favorite:
Chamber of Secrets
Philosopher's Stone
Order of the Phoenix
Goblet of Fire
Prisoner of Azkaban

Favorite movie set: The Chamber of Secrets

Favorite movie scene: Hmm. OH! The part in the fifth movie when Umbridge is interrogating Snape. LOL!

Favorite scene in the movies not included in the books: this one:
Harry: *up looking at the Marauder's Map*
Ron: *wakes up, startled* SPIDERS! Spiders...they want me to tap dance...I don't wanna tap dance...
Harry: you tell those spiders, Ron.
Ron: *sleepily* I'll tell them...I'll tell them tomorrow. *falls asleep*


Scene you were most disappointed didn't make it into the movie: Quidditch in the fifth Book D:<


Floo powder or broom: Floo Powder. I don't like heights >.<;
Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs: Chocolate Frogs
Death Eaters or Dumbledore's Army: Dumbledore's Army ftw!
Fred or George: I CAN'T CHOOSE T-T!
The Ministry of Magic or Gringotts: The Ministry of Magic
Sirius or Lupin: Sirius
Occlumency or Legilimency: Legilimency, duh.
Animagus or Metamorphagus: Animagus
Mermish or Parselmouth: Parselmouth
Draco or Lucius: Draco...he's such a girl.
Peter Pettigrew or Mundungus Fletcher: Fletcher.
Whomping Willow or Flying Ford Anglia: Flying Ford Angelina. It saved Harry and Ron from the spiders later!
Invisibility cloak or Pensieve: Pensieve
Grimmauld Place or The Burrow: The Burrow
Werewolf or Inferi: Werewolf. Inferi freak me out...
Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures: Care of Magical Creatures.
Professor Binns or Professor Umbridge: Binns, duh XD.
Yule Ball or Quidditch Championship: Quidditch!
Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick: Nick.
Hippogriff or Thestrals: Hippogriffs.
Durmstrang or Beaubaxtons: Beauxbatons.
S.P.E.W or the Inquisitorial Squad: S.P.E.W. XD
Three Broomsticks The Leaky Cauldron: Three Broomsticks

Oh, have you guys bought/listened to Emmy's EP? It came out a few weeks ago. I like the songs, but I really wish she'd gone into something the could have showcased her voice better. I liked the documentary. I thought it was cute XD.

fictional deaths, deathly hallows, emmy's album, meme, fred, 7th book, movies, snape/lily, harry potter movies, harry potter

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